NCNS: Reese Foster

I have been thinking this over for a few hours now, and I feel I have to do this, as much as I really do not want to.

I say this because I have always liked and respected Reese and I was really looking forward to our appointment today (at 7pm). We had confirmed the time last night via text message, then she goes MIA for the rest of the evening. No biggie. I thought she had real life stuff going on.

I text her again this morning asking if we're still on for our appointment at 7pm: No response.

I sent her another text several hours later with the same thing:
No response.

I call her and leave her a voicemail around 4pm following up: No response.

I try one last time, about 45 minutes before our appointment, letting her know that "I hope everything is okay, and I guess we aren't meeting up as planned at 7pm."

So yeah, I was NCNS'd. I still can't believe it, and I don't really want to because of all the awesome things I have heard about Reese. But, no matter who you are...a NCNS is unacceptable.

Hell, I may feel the wrath of the white knights telling me "I'm bitter-mad or maybe this was my fault". That's fine. And if it was my fault in any way, I accept that, but let the guy know you're cancelling on him. Don't do this.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 04-11-2017, 08:08 PM
I probably would have waited to see how things play out prior to posting fella. I know the feeling of looking forward for a while to havING a session, then it not happen. Well, Actually I DONT because I ALSO book last minute, and only when I have the urge LMAO; never understood planning to PAY for it; anyways I digreSS. The lady in question is pretty stand up. No contact of any sort has been make in roughly 24 hours, if I comprehend correctly?If she didn't want to see you, she would have just exercised her right to refuse the visit...Let's just hope the SWEET FLOWER is ok. I do feel your pain and look forward to another great review from you hopefully of Reese with pics!
say it isnt so
say it isnt so Originally Posted by CaptCroakers
Dude, I really don't want it to be true. I honestly feel sick for having to post this, but I had to. This board is about sharing information. So I did.

She has a stellar reputation and I don't want to be the dickhead who starts to tarnish it. I just know there has to be a very very good explanation for this radio silence from her.
yerbman's Avatar
You should probably just let this one go and move on. Most ladies do have lives and shit does happen to people. She will respond when she can. Reese is one of the ladies on this board that has always been above board and goes WAY beyond what she should to accommodate her clients. Fall back and let this one pass.
TheEccie214's Avatar
You're responding aboveboard but I can't help but wonder if there's another side to this story of why she went silent. Were you rude, asking for services she doesn't provide, or trying to talk her down on price?

When I see a post like this about RF I truly wonder if she's ok.
You should probably just let this one go and move on. Most ladies do have lives and shit does happen to people. She will respond when she can. Reese is one of the ladies on this board that has always been above board and goes WAY beyond what she should to accommodate her clients. Fall back and let this one pass. Originally Posted by yerbman
fuck that she runs a business...I cant hide from my customers, why should she get a pass?? she could have texted, emailed, or called him.......she fucked up period....
You're responding aboveboard but I can't help but wonder if there's another side to this story of why she went silent. Were you rude, asking for services she doesn't provide, or trying to talk her down on price?

When I see a post like this about RF I truly wonder if she's ok. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
if that were the case....she should have posted....not just ignore somebody........that's bullshit.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Don't think she's the type to embarrass him or herself with a pissing contest here as we both know there's never a "winner". The better girls know better than post in here because it's a he said/she said and eventually it's him versus the white knights and becomes worthless.

This post is one data point in her long, positive career. As I said earlier I think there's something missing and I don't see her having anything to gain by posting. This thread won't affect her business unless it becomes a regular theme.

Please note - I've never seen Reese but absolutely everything I've read and heard about her is extremely positive.
This is ballsy, as the WK contingent is strong with this one. Thanks for the info. With her stellar reputation BCD, this would not dissuade me from trying to see her, but the information is appreciated. I commend you for being brave enough to post. I've had experiences like this with other providers at this level that I would never dream of posting about. Good luck with the blowback.
You should probably just let this one go and move on. Most ladies do have lives and shit does happen to people. She will respond when she can. Reese is one of the ladies on this board that has always been above board and goes WAY beyond what she should to accommodate her clients. Fall back and let this one pass. Originally Posted by yerbman
That's one option, but he chose to inform people, and this is what this website is for. I don't think it's your place to tell him not to share his personal experience.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
fuck that she runs a business...I cant hide from my customers, why should she get a pass?? she could have texted, emailed, or called him.......she fucked up period.... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Agreed 100%. Sending a simple text saying she's not gonna be available is simple as pie. Wasting someone's time is a no no. She knows better. Kiss ass-ers are heavy on this post lmaoo
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
If you want to get technical it's not an ncns as she didn't confirm the day of nor give a location but being it happened to me recently I understand your frustration. If I made a post every time it happened to me I'd be a post crazy.

I do know this is out of character for her, Hopefully she is okay.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 04-12-2017, 05:01 AM
In my opinion and how I've always thought about it is that if I don't make contact with the provider an hour or two before the appointment then it's not going to happen.
I typically won't leave the house, work or anywhere else until I get that last confirmation.
If the last contact was the night before and you couldn't reach her all day then it seems obvious the session wasn't going to take place.
Right or wrong that's just how it is in the hobby world.
  • grean
  • 04-12-2017, 05:59 AM
If you want to get technical it's not an ncns as she didn't confirm the day of nor give a location but being it happened to me recently I understand your frustration. If I made a post every time it happened to me I'd be a post crazy.

I do know this is out of character for her, Hopefully she is okay. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
There was an appointment set and a confirmation the previous night. Obviously RL comes round at the most inconvenient times. However, when that happens to the Johns , more than one of the ladies here have cried foul and claimed there is no excuse why the John could not have reached out in some way with much less time between the original confirmation and the appointment than in this instance. In 24 hours she can't login to Eccie from the bathroom and send a message saying she needs to cancel or sorry she didn't show up but there was an emergency??

Ladies want advanced bookings and do not like short notice appointments. Fine.

Don't defend this, however.