A Story Of The Donkey That Fell Down The Hole

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"A Story Of The Donkey That Fell Down The Hole"

"Once there was a donkey that fell in to an old empty well.
The farmer, who owns the donkey, looked at the beast and
tried to figure how to get it out of there. Having thought
of nothing to get the donkey out of the well, he decided to
simply bury his donkey alive!

So the farmer called his neighbors to shovel dirt into the
well. At first the donkey got frightened and panicked. After
some time the beast realized that if he shakes the dirt of
his back, the ground under him gets higher. He continued to
shake the dirt off and step up until the well was full. I
will leave to your imagination what the donkey did to the
farmer and his neighbours when he got out of the well.

Many times we feel life is throwing dirt at us. Problems
seem to hit us at all directions. Even when you feel
everything is OK, suddenly dirt smacks you in the face.
Sometimes you can even feel the bitterness of the dirt!

There are others who not only feel that dirt is being thrown
at them, but feel that they are being buried alive. Their
problems seem to pile to up from one to the next, until their
problems are bigger than they are. They feel like all the
world's trash is being poured out on to them."

But we can use this dirt. We can use life's problems and
troubles to produce strength, wisdom, perseverance, patience
and other virtues in us that will help us succeed in life.
The dirt thrown at you can be used to increase your stature,
your being.

We should imitate the donkey. Instead of giving up and
letting himself be buried, he shook the dirt off him. We
too should learn to shake our problems and STEP ON IT. And
like the donkey, we will get out of the hole we are in.
Thanks Poppy I needed that today!
  • YSD
  • 06-12-2009, 08:17 AM
Thanks I truly enjoyed this.Makes my day too.