Leaked Bloomberg Audio

Bloomberg defending his racist actions against minority youth as tough on crime NYC Mayor.

Who is more of a racist - him or Mayor Pete?

If this video gets removed just look on twitter or Google it.
bloomberg should be commended for honesty


bloomberg should be vilified for cowardice
bloomberg should be commended for honesty


bloomberg should be vilified for cowardice Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I'm curious to see what he will have to say about it. He stated what he probably believed and 95% of the murders of African Americans are perpetrated by other African Americans so why can't that be stated out loud?
so why can't that be stated out loud? Originally Posted by friendly fred
I know that is a rhetorical question
It's been stated many times that "the chief cause of death of black males aged 18-35 are other black males aged 18-35." Politifact or other like sites have never disproved it.
HoeHummer's Avatar
It's been stated many times that "the chief cause of death of black males aged 18-35 are other black males aged 18-35." Politifact or other like sites have never disproved it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Where’s the proofs of that? Just Because nobody has disproved it doesn’t makes it true, gnadsy.
rexdutchman's Avatar
All the dumb-a-rats
His most relevant comment didn't have anything to do with race.

He made the point that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to save lives of gun violence.

Think of that. Think of that and tremble.
Bloomberg defending his racist actions against minority youth as tough on crime NYC Mayor.

Who is more of a racist - him or Mayor Pete?

If this video gets removed just look on twitter or Google it. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Hahahaha, Bloomberg knows nothing about Law Enforcement or Urban Crime. If you concentrate Police in one area for long periods of time the criminals figure this out quite rapidly and go outside of their neighborhoods to commit Burglary, Armed Robbery and other criminal offenses. It's not just about gun violence and murder. He is correct about Black neighborhoods having the most incidents of crime it's not racist it's just a fact. Swarming these areas only works for a short period of time.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where’s the proofs of that? Just Because nobody has disproved it doesn’t makes it true, gnadsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

why don't yous proves it for us? send yous emissary "blackie trudeau" to Chicago for 48 hours and see if he lives?

  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2020, 10:29 AM
#BloombergIsRacist Trends After Resurfaced Clips of Billionaire's Remarks

Democratic presidential candidate and billionaire businessman Mike Bloomberg is under fire after two clips of him defending his highly controversial "stop and frisk" policing strategy have circulated on social media, with the hashtag #BloombergIsRacist trending on Twitter.
Bloomberg, who served as mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013, launched an unconventional campaign for president at the end of November. He chose to avoid campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire altogether, and has paid hundreds of millions of his own fortune to target voters with television ads.
But the former mayor's record on championing a policing policy that disproportionately targeted minorities has angered many voters. Although the billionaire apologized for the policy before launching his campaign, the resurfaced clips show that he was ardently defending "stop and frisk" as recently as a few years ago.
"They just keep saying it's a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the murder," the wealthy businessman, with an estimated net worth of $60 billion, said in a 2013 interview with WOR. "In that case incidentally, I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little."
Those old remarks also counter his recent comments, in which he has claimed that he worked to end the targeting of minorities at the end of his tenure as mayor. As he left office at the end of 2013, the resurfaced clip shows that he was still strongly defending police specifically going after minorities in the final year of his mayorship.
Another clip that has been widely circulated is audio of Bloomberg reportedly speaking at The Aspen Institute in 2015. "Ninety-five percent of your murders — murderers and murder victims — fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops," he said in the clip.
Newsweek has reached out to the Bloomberg campaign press team for comment, but they had not responded by the time of publication.
"If you live in New York, or know our history, you've been knowing that #BloombergIsRacist. He's awful," columnist and prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King tweeted on Tuesday. "The world will soon know just how deep this man's bigotry goes."
"Mike Bloomberg isn't much different from Donald Trump. He has a history of racism and he's a wealthy white man who decided to buy the election. #BloombergIsRacist," author Frederick Joseph tweeted.

".@MikeBloomberg thinks 'we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,'" Tiffany Cabán, a former candidate in the Democratic primary for Queens County's District Attorney in New York, tweeted, sharing the clip of the billionaire's 2013 interview with WOR.
As former Vice President Joe Biden, long seen as the top moderate Democratic candidate in the race, has plummeted in national polls following his poor performance in Iowa, Bloomberg appears to be making gains. The latest data by Morning Consult shows the billionaire in third place, with 17 percent support nationally. Biden is now second at 22 percent, while Bernie Sanders is first with 25 percent.
Sanders and his supporters have strongly criticized Bloomberg, arguing that he is attempting to buy the presidential nomination by spending millions of his fortune to convince voters with misleading television ads.

Sanders and the Fascist DPST's are playing plantation Politics to keep their AA dependents on welfare on the Fascist DPST meal-ticket!
The only times they worry about the AA group is when votes are needed.

Watch the fascist DPST's cannibalize each other.

Bernie- socialist communist totalitarian v Bloomie - billionaire racist.

having fun - Fascist DPST posters???
#BloombergIsRacist Trends After Resurfaced Clips of Billionaire's Remarks

Democratic presidential candidate and billionaire businessman Mike Bloomberg is under fire after two clips of him defending his highly controversial "stop and frisk" policing strategy have circulated on social media, with the hashtag #BloombergIsRacist trending on Twitter.
Bloomberg, who served as mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013, launched an unconventional campaign for president at the end of November. He chose to avoid campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire altogether, and has paid hundreds of millions of his own fortune to target voters with television ads.
But the former mayor's record on championing a policing policy that disproportionately targeted minorities has angered many voters. Although the billionaire apologized for the policy before launching his campaign, the resurfaced clips show that he was ardently defending "stop and frisk" as recently as a few years ago.
"They just keep saying it's a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the murder," the wealthy businessman, with an estimated net worth of $60 billion, said in a 2013 interview with WOR. "In that case incidentally, I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little."
Those old remarks also counter his recent comments, in which he has claimed that he worked to end the targeting of minorities at the end of his tenure as mayor. As he left office at the end of 2013, the resurfaced clip shows that he was still strongly defending police specifically going after minorities in the final year of his mayorship.
Another clip that has been widely circulated is audio of Bloomberg reportedly speaking at The Aspen Institute in 2015. "Ninety-five percent of your murders — murderers and murder victims — fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops," he said in the clip.
Newsweek has reached out to the Bloomberg campaign press team for comment, but they had not responded by the time of publication.
"If you live in New York, or know our history, you've been knowing that #BloombergIsRacist. He's awful," columnist and prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King tweeted on Tuesday. "The world will soon know just how deep this man's bigotry goes."
"Mike Bloomberg isn't much different from Donald Trump. He has a history of racism and he's a wealthy white man who decided to buy the election. #BloombergIsRacist," author Frederick Joseph tweeted.

".@MikeBloomberg thinks 'we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,'" Tiffany Cabán, a former candidate in the Democratic primary for Queens County's District Attorney in New York, tweeted, sharing the clip of the billionaire's 2013 interview with WOR.
As former Vice President Joe Biden, long seen as the top moderate Democratic candidate in the race, has plummeted in national polls following his poor performance in Iowa, Bloomberg appears to be making gains. The latest data by Morning Consult shows the billionaire in third place, with 17 percent support nationally. Biden is now second at 22 percent, while Bernie Sanders is first with 25 percent.
Sanders and his supporters have strongly criticized Bloomberg, arguing that he is attempting to buy the presidential nomination by spending millions of his fortune to convince voters with misleading television ads.

Sanders and the Fascist DPST's are playing plantation Politics to keep their AA dependents on welfare on the Fascist DPST meal-ticket!
The only times they worry about the AA group is when votes are needed.

Watch the fascist DPST's cannibalize each other.

Bernie- socialist communist totalitarian v Bloomie - billionaire racist.

having fun - Fascist DPST posters??? Originally Posted by oeb11
These fucking DPST's are looking stupid - even James Carville agrees!
Where’s the proofs of that? Just Because nobody has disproved it doesn’t makes it true, gnadsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Good grief man - have you ever heard of FBI crime statistics?
The most egregious think Mini Mike has to defend is his profiling comment about passing out the same picture of the criminals!

He is a racist profiling motherfucker!
  • oeb11
  • 02-11-2020, 04:51 PM
The fascist DPST's will have H... go speak with miscreants who commit crimes after they make it illegal and "racist" to defend oneself from crimes.

That will "solve " the problems - Oh Yeah!!!!