Mooshell will be “Biden’s” pick for VP.

bambino's Avatar
It’s not Biden’s pick, it’s Obama’s. He’s running the campaign anyways. She said she wasn’t running for POTUS, never said anything about VEEP. She would be the de Facto POTUS if the doofus gets elected. How convenient. Harris and Bass are from Cali. Biden will win there. They both have issues. No upside there. Duck worth is from Illinois, again, Biden will win there and nobody knows her. Susan Rice? The pathological liar? I doubt it. Plus, how can the country have two incompetent people running foreign affairs? It will be Mooshell, in a shocker. The press will have cum running down their legs. Obama wants to beat Trump in the worst way. Hillary was atrocious, so is Biden. He knows it.

You heard it first here.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Tammy Duckworth or Susan Rice. On record now. Though Kamala Harris would be my suggestion. Biden is much too soft in the middle (no intestinal fortitude) to ride with her. His staff can't get over her directly attacking him in that headlining debate.

What makes you think Obama . . .

. . . cares that much about him?
bambino's Avatar
Tammy Duckworth or Susan Rice. On record now. Though Kamala Harris would be my suggestion. Biden is much too soft in the middle (no intestinal fortitude) to ride with her. His staff can't get over her directly attacking him in that headlining debate.

What makes you think Obama . . .

. . . cares that much about him? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Rice lied blatantly on all the Sunday shows about the video. Plus the Durham report might implicate her. Nobody knows who the fuck Duckworth is. Plus any Democrat would win Illinois. Nope
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yup. Duckworth over Rice. Rice didn't lie. The Durham report is just a witchhunt. A hoax of an investigation. Just fake news.

Might implicate? Puh . . . leeez!

Nobody knows who Duckworth is? So . . . nobody knows who Tucker Carlson is too, right.

  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 08:03 PM
9500- any speech from a DPST is a Lie - You are in Denial.

Michelle obama for VP - what that means is Obama as defacto POTUS for the next term if biden is elected.

I do not think Michelle wants to be POTUS - she has seen teh pressures - and would not let B. Hussein dominate her when she inherited the oval office.

it might be fun to watch - but at the expense of America.

No thanks!

9500- you have an ecologically unsound avatar of nuclear weapons exploding - a favorite of Eric Swalwell to enforce marxism on America.

YSL is a dead old white guy - and that is racist - unless inter-racial gay relationship is idolized - as OBLM!!!

Think about it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yup. Duckworth over Rice. Rice didn't lie. The Durham report is just a witchhunt. A hoax of an investigation. Just fake news.

Might implicate? Puh . . . leeez! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
so you think spying and setting up trump with fake russian collusion, fake FISA warrants a minor detail, eh?

you're so okay with that.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 08:30 PM
DF - you are correct - exposing teh hypocrisy of teh DPST's.

They wil charge and try him in a DC court after he leaves the oval Office - for russian collusion - because he won in 2016 - Trumps real crime for the DPST's!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
so you think spying and setting up trump with fake russian collusion, fake FISA warrants a minor detail, eh?

you're so okay with that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He set himself up stupid.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 08:41 PM
Thank you 9500- the ends justify the means - as long as it your DPST marxist ends and goals, Eh!
as long as those means are pointed at republicans - exposing your national socialist Uber Alles DPST Means and Ends Narrative.

Hitlery for VP - Biden won't recognize her.
matchingmole's Avatar
Biden could pick a dented can of Goya beans as VP ....and still kick Trump's fat ass back to Florida this Nov.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden could pick a dented can of Goya beans as VP ....and still kick Trump's fat ass back to Florida this Nov. Originally Posted by matchingmole

then let him and see how that works out fa ya.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He set himself up stupid. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

little, little spaz...

how did he did setup himself?

He asked russia for clinton's emails? you know that was a joke.

you don't set yourself up when you're running and campaigning for president.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biden could pick a dented can of Goya beans as VP ....and still kick Trump's fat ass back to Florida this Nov. Originally Posted by matchingmole

biden will have to pay a visit to the hospital for his broken foot.

the only word he can say is... "ow, ow, ow" when he loses. that is if he can remember to say "ow" instead of "oof".
matchingmole's Avatar
He won't no prob...Joe is cool like that
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He won't no prob...Joe is cool like that Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so