What trump supporters truly believe

Munchmasterman's Avatar

The repubs are using the 2016 repub platform through 2024. A replay of the platform that has led us to where we're at.

Here are some of the updated planks of the platform courtesy of trump

"I believe the president Made America Great Again. I believe we need him reelected to Make America Great Again Again.

I believe Joe Biden is “Sleepy” and “weak.” I believe Biden could “hurt God” and the Bible.

I believe that if Biden is elected, there will be “no religion, no anything,” and he would confiscate all guns, “immediately and without notice.” He would “abolish” “our great,” “beautiful suburbs,” not to mention “the American way of life.” There would be “no windows, no nothing” in buildings.

I believe the news media would have “no ratings” and “will go down along with our great USA!” if the president loses — and that this would be bad even though the media is fake.

I believe it’s normal for the president to say “Yo Semites” and “Yo Seminites,” “Thigh Land,” “Minne-a-napolis,” “toe-tally-taria-tism,” “Thomas Jeffers” and “Ulyss-eus S. Grant.” I believe it’s Biden who’s cognitively impaired.
I believe the president “aced” a “very hard” impairment test, and that his “very surprised” doctors found this “unbelievable.” I believe it was “amazing” he remembered five words, such as “person, woman, man, camera, TV” — in correct order. I believe he took the SAT himself.

From the archive by George Conway: I believe the president, and in the president

I believe the president has “a natural ability,” like his “great, super-genius uncle” from MIT, which is why he understands “that whole world” of virology and epidemiology.

So I believed the president in January and February when he said covid-19 was “totally under control,” that it was Democrats’ “new hoax,” and that he was “not at all” worried about a pandemic. I believed him in March when he said he “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

I believe the president and the doctor who believes in demon sperm and the medical use of space alien DNA, and not Anthony S. Fauci, who’s an “alarmist” and “wrong.”
I believe the president’s suggestions that physicians should try injecting patients with household disinfectants, and shining ultraviolet light inside their bodies, make perfect sense.

I believe the “books” and “manuals,” if someone would just read them, say “you can test too much” for covid-19. I believe we now have 5 million cases because we test so much, and that the president was right to slow testing down, unless he was kidding — in which case he was right not to.

I believe that the president has done a tremendous job fighting the virus — and that he shouldn’t “take responsibility at all”— even though about 160,000 Americans have died. I believe the virus “is what it is.”

I believe it isn’t racist to call the coronavirus “kung flu” or “the China Virus.” It isn’t racially divisive to say Black Lives Matter is a “symbol of hate,” to celebrate Confederate generals as part of our “Great American Heritage,” or to share video of someone shouting “white power,” which, like displaying the Confederate flag, is “freedom of speech.”
I believe that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” and that the president was just stating a fact, not making a threat, when he said that. I believe it was fine for federal law enforcement to fire tear gas and rubber pellet grenades at protesters so that the president could pose with a Bible in front of a church.

I believe that a 75-year-old protester in Buffalo may have been “an ANTIFA provocateur” who intentionally cracked his own skull in a “set up.”

I believe Rep. John Lewis made a “big mistake” not attending the president’s inauguration. I believe the president has done more for Blacks than any other president — perhaps even Abraham Lincoln, who “did good” although the “end result” was “questionable,” and certainly more than Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which hasn’t “worked out” so well.
I believe the president has been treated worse than Lincoln, even though Lincoln was assassinated. I believe the president should be added to Mount Rushmore, pronto.

Want more thought-provoking opinions? Sign up to get the Week in Ideas newsletter, curated by Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt, every Sunday.

I believe it’s normal that the president wished his friend Ghislaine Maxwell “well” and good luck,” even though his administration charged her with sex trafficking teenage girls for another presidential friend, Jeffrey Epstein, whom the president says may have been killed in federal custody.

I believe the president rightly said of Maxwell, “Let them prove somebody was guilty.” I believe we don’t need evidence against former acting attorney general Sally Yates, because she was “part of the greatest political crime of the Century,” about which “ObamaBiden knew EVERYTHING!” And I believe it was fine for the president to baselessly suggest that a television host committed murder since the host said mean things about the president.
I believe that the reports Russia paid bounties to have U.S. soldiers killed, and that the president was briefed on it, are another “Fake News Media Hoax,” and that such intelligence never reached the president’s desk, even though his administration said otherwise.

I believe absentee voting, where voters mail in their ballots, is good, and that mail-in voting, where voters mail in their ballots, is totally different, and bad — and will result in “the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election” in history. Except in Florida, where absentee and mail-in voting are the same and both good, “because Florida has got a great Republican governor.”

I believe we should “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote” — but that “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!”

I believe the president won the popular vote in 2016 “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” I believe he shouldn’t accept the election results if he loses in November."
George T. Conway III

G.O.P. Platform, Rolled Over From 2016, Condemns the ‘Current President’

After the Republican National Committee kept outdated language from four years ago, when Barack Obama was still president, the party’s platform includes more than three dozen unflattering references to those in power at the White House.


the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Norman Lear created All In The Family in the 1960s. Lear was a huge liberal and he played off the foibles of the right and the left against each other. In the 1990s, Lear created 704 Hauser Street. He was trying to make fun of the right by presenting a young black man as a conservative. He failed miserably. Lear, the man who gave us Good Times, Maude, and The Jeffersons just could not understand or explain the thinking of half the country. Now Munchie comes along and embarrasses himself trying to do what Lear failed to do.

The amusing thing is how much time and effort you put into your cut and paste presentation.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Evens more amusing is the fact that yous didn’t have the ability to understands it, Barlesy.
matchingmole's Avatar
I believe that trump lies so dang much that even his most ignorant racist redneck supporters would still believe him. It's possible though and they will still try to defend him lol

The repubs are using the 2016 repub platform through 2024. A replay of the platform that has led us to where we're at.

Here are some of the updated planks of the platform courtesy of trump

"I believe the president Made America Great Again. I believe we need him reelected to Make America Great Again Again.

I believe Joe Biden is “Sleepy” and “weak.” I believe Biden could “hurt God” and the Bible.

I believe that if Biden is elected, there will be “no religion, no anything,” and he would confiscate all guns, “immediately and without notice.” He would “abolish” “our great,” “beautiful suburbs,” not to mention “the American way of life.” There would be “no windows, no nothing” in buildings.

I believe the news media would have “no ratings” and “will go down along with our great USA!” if the president loses — and that this would be bad even though the media is fake.

I believe it’s normal for the president to say “Yo Semites” and “Yo Seminites,” “Thigh Land,” “Minne-a-napolis,” “toe-tally-taria-tism,” “Thomas Jeffers” and “Ulyss-eus S. Grant.” I believe it’s Biden who’s cognitively impaired.
I believe the president “aced” a “very hard” impairment test, and that his “very surprised” doctors found this “unbelievable.” I believe it was “amazing” he remembered five words, such as “person, woman, man, camera, TV” — in correct order. I believe he took the SAT himself.

From the archive by George Conway: I believe the president, and in the president

I believe the president has “a natural ability,” like his “great, super-genius uncle” from MIT, which is why he understands “that whole world” of virology and epidemiology.

So I believed the president in January and February when he said covid-19 was “totally under control,” that it was Democrats’ “new hoax,” and that he was “not at all” worried about a pandemic. I believed him in March when he said he “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

I believe the president and the doctor who believes in demon sperm and the medical use of space alien DNA, and not Anthony S. Fauci, who’s an “alarmist” and “wrong.”
I believe the president’s suggestions that physicians should try injecting patients with household disinfectants, and shining ultraviolet light inside their bodies, make perfect sense.

I believe the “books” and “manuals,” if someone would just read them, say “you can test too much” for covid-19. I believe we now have 5 million cases because we test so much, and that the president was right to slow testing down, unless he was kidding — in which case he was right not to.

I believe that the president has done a tremendous job fighting the virus — and that he shouldn’t “take responsibility at all”— even though about 160,000 Americans have died. I believe the virus “is what it is.”

I believe it isn’t racist to call the coronavirus “kung flu” or “the China Virus.” It isn’t racially divisive to say Black Lives Matter is a “symbol of hate,” to celebrate Confederate generals as part of our “Great American Heritage,” or to share video of someone shouting “white power,” which, like displaying the Confederate flag, is “freedom of speech.”
I believe that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” and that the president was just stating a fact, not making a threat, when he said that. I believe it was fine for federal law enforcement to fire tear gas and rubber pellet grenades at protesters so that the president could pose with a Bible in front of a church.

I believe that a 75-year-old protester in Buffalo may have been “an ANTIFA provocateur” who intentionally cracked his own skull in a “set up.”

I believe Rep. John Lewis made a “big mistake” not attending the president’s inauguration. I believe the president has done more for Blacks than any other president — perhaps even Abraham Lincoln, who “did good” although the “end result” was “questionable,” and certainly more than Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which hasn’t “worked out” so well.
I believe the president has been treated worse than Lincoln, even though Lincoln was assassinated. I believe the president should be added to Mount Rushmore, pronto.

Want more thought-provoking opinions? Sign up to get the Week in Ideas newsletter, curated by Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt, every Sunday.

I believe it’s normal that the president wished his friend Ghislaine Maxwell “well” and good luck,” even though his administration charged her with sex trafficking teenage girls for another presidential friend, Jeffrey Epstein, whom the president says may have been killed in federal custody.

I believe the president rightly said of Maxwell, “Let them prove somebody was guilty.” I believe we don’t need evidence against former acting attorney general Sally Yates, because she was “part of the greatest political crime of the Century,” about which “ObamaBiden knew EVERYTHING!” And I believe it was fine for the president to baselessly suggest that a television host committed murder since the host said mean things about the president.
I believe that the reports Russia paid bounties to have U.S. soldiers killed, and that the president was briefed on it, are another “Fake News Media Hoax,” and that such intelligence never reached the president’s desk, even though his administration said otherwise.

I believe absentee voting, where voters mail in their ballots, is good, and that mail-in voting, where voters mail in their ballots, is totally different, and bad — and will result in “the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election” in history. Except in Florida, where absentee and mail-in voting are the same and both good, “because Florida has got a great Republican governor.”

I believe we should “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote” — but that “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!”

I believe the president won the popular vote in 2016 “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” I believe he shouldn’t accept the election results if he loses in November."
George T. Conway III

G.O.P. Platform, Rolled Over From 2016, Condemns the ‘Current President’

After the Republican National Committee kept outdated language from four years ago, when Barack Obama was still president, the party’s platform includes more than three dozen unflattering references to those in power at the White House.


https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthel...ull.pdf#page=1 Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your arrogances and your vile comments know no bounds...now you know what everyone believes.
Where are we at MUNCHY...your left wing Marxist thugs destroying property, looting and attacking law enforcement and your fellow democraps in congress supporting this...
WHAT DO THEY BELIEVE since you know what everyone believes??
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 03:52 PM
Blue Meanie is just imagining the world as if the Beatles created it.

'I believe' - putting forth the true faith narrative of the DPST's for their acolytes - to be observed and revered Uber alles!
Just as John Lennon wrote "Imagine" - a socialist pean.

At least he has an imagination - flawed, faulty, and sick - but has what the other mm lacks.

And - mm - Trump did not cause wuhan virus - the Chinese sent it to us - a FACT - no matter how much you revere your Comrade Xi on XiNN.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:08 PM
For the

Blue Meanie - what Consrvatives and DPST's truly believe - the party platforms:
reproduced from elsewhere in this forum - Truth and FACTS!!!

Republcan Party:

- originalist judges,

- pro-life policies,

- a stronger military,

- a free-market economic system,

- lower taxes,

- fewer government regulations,

- strong support for Israel,

- clearheaded recognition of the economic, military, and information threat of China

- a high value placed on human freedom,

- personal accountability for committing crimes,

- good jobs and school choice as the best way to help the poor,

- a strong border wall and a secure border, followed by a comprehensive reform of our immigration system,

- careful extraction and clean use of carbon-based fuels (coal, oil, natural gas),

- freedom of conscience (government should not force Christians to use their artistic skills to convey a message of approval of same-sex marriage or to use their medical skills to perform an abortion, or to use their pharmacies as the distribution point for drugs that cause abortion),

- racial inequalities in income and quality of education should primarily be solved by

- greater availability of tax-supported school choice in low-income neighborhoods,

- economic growth resulting in more and better jobs, and

- an increase in safety through an increase in police presence in high crime neighborhoods

- medical marijuana should be allowed (with a prescription from a doctor) but recreational marijuana should be prohibited, and

- restrooms, locker rooms, and single-gender sports teams should be restricted to people of one biological sex or the other.

Democrat party:

- allow abortion up to the moment of birth,

- authorize the use of our tax money to pay for abortions and gender reassignment surgery,

- cripple our economy with ever-increasing government control and taxes,

- further cripple the economy with expensive Green New Deal energy regulations,

- increase unemployment,

- weaken our military in the face of increased aggressiveness by China,

- promote a Jimmy Carter-like foreign policy of appeasement,

- abandon Israel to fend for itself,

- nullify the Senate filibuster rule (both Obama and Biden have recently spoken about this) so that all legislation can be passed with only 50 senators plus the vice president casting the tie-breaking vote,

- support the rising influence of judges who are not constrained by the original meaning of the words of the Constitution or of the laws, perhaps even adding six additional seats to the Supreme Court in order to be able to give the court a new 10-5 majority of such justices (this could be done with control of both the House, the Senate, and the presidency)

- grant statehood to both Washington DC and Puerto Rico, thus adding four more Democrats to the U.S. Senate (I have heard three US senators already predict that the Democrats would do this if they had the votes)

- support draconian laws that compel an artistic professional or a professional counselor to affirm the validity of same-sex marriage even when that is contrary to the professional person’s conscience,

- reinstate the Obama-era guidelines that required schools to allow biological males who claim to be transgender females to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers (the guidelines were canceled by Trump),

- allow biological males to compete in women’s sports, setting new statewide records in women’s track events and other sports

- pass multiple new, extremely strict green energy laws that will massively increase energy costs and therefore will also increase the cost of everything that is made or transported with the use of energy,

- seek to defund the police (to be precise, Biden has said he favors “redirecting” some police funding to other programs, which is a partial “defunding” of police, which will lead predictably to a substantial increase in crime),

- use violence and intimidation to nullify freedom of speech (in practice) for those who disagree with them politically,

- support open borders and sanctuary cities in defiance of the law, and that

- promote a complete federal government takeover of our healthcare system.

- and - pack the SC with radical judges to achieve a majority in the SC to advance any and all socialist policies above.

DPST party platform planks Exposed!!!
Now - Blue Meanie - you may hum 'Imagine" by John Lennon.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I believe that trump lies so dang much that even his most ignorant racist redneck supporters would still believe him. It's possible though and they will still try to defend him lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Kind of paranoid aren't you. Maybe because you're a tranny but still... Nobody defended Trump. I attacked the credibility, intelligence, and character of Munchie. So you came riding to his rescue like a good TS white knight.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:15 PM
ts and his ilk are running scared - the hostility and fear of the ts post above is striking - and not a word about issues - just Fear and hatred.

Such a waste of a life.

Get some help - ts - Life can be much better for You!

borrowing from Blue Meanie - "I believe" - like a good acolyte of all things the LSM and Nazi Pelosi /schaumer and OBLM dictate to you.

You may also hum 'Imagine" for comfort.

Try an experiment - ts - read the platform planks of your DPST party above - plus the OBLM manifesto involving segregation, racism, millions of white deaths, and a separate state/country for Blacks only ( they never heard of Liberia and how AA;s fucked it up). See , ts, if you agree with those platform planks for a glorious socialist future of Amerika>
Put some thought to it - if U are not too handicapped by a Teacher's Unions socialist education.
Norman Lear created All In The Family in the 1960s. Lear was a huge liberal and he played off the foibles of the right and the left against each other. In the 1990s, Lear created 704 Hauser Street. He was trying to make fun of the right by presenting a young black man as a conservative. He failed miserably. Lear, the man who gave us Good Times, Maude, and The Jeffersons just could not understand or explain the thinking of half the country. Now Munchie comes along and embarrasses himself trying to do what Lear failed to do.

The amusing thing is how much time and effort you put into your cut and paste presentation. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Munchie is gay and as such has a difficult time understanding the thinking of guys who do not suck cock like he does.
ts and his ilk are running scared - the hostility and fear of the ts post above is striking - and not a word about issues - just Fear and hatred.

Such a waste of a life.

Get some help - ts - Life can be much better for You!

borrowing from Blue Meanie - "I believe" - like a good acolyte of all things the LSM and Nazi Pelosi /schaumer and OBLM dictate to you.

You may also hum 'Imagine" for comfort.

Try an experiment - ts - read the platform planks of your DPST party above - plus the OBLM manifesto involving segregation, racism, millions of white deaths, and a separate state/country for Blacks only ( they never heard of Liberia and how AA;s fucked it up). See , ts, if you agree with those platform planks for a glorious socialist future of Amerika>
Put some thought to it - if U are not too handicapped by a Teacher's Unions socialist education. Originally Posted by oeb11
Ts is a TS...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
First off douche-bag, it's copy and paste.

Next, what the fuck does your off-topic drivel have to do with trump being stupid? Other than you being stupid?

It's obvious you don't have a clue what I was talking about. Those are all positions of trump's. trump is the "leader" of the repub party. That means his bullshit is the official position of the repub party.
The reason the platform wasn't updated is you think you can drop planks (like the 16 references to the "current" (Obama's) administration and say you don't mean it to be in there.
Any excuse you come up with for being ignorant of "Factual" current events is your loss, not mine.
Norman Lear created All In The Family in the 1960s. Lear was a huge liberal and he played off the foibles of the right and the left against each other. In the 1990s, Lear created 704 Hauser Street. He was trying to make fun of the right by presenting a young black man as a conservative. So you admit trump's claims there are young, black, conservatives as failing miserably.He failed miserably. Lear, the man who gave us Good Times, Maude, and The Jeffersons just could not understand or explain the thinking of half the country.The shows were on TV to make money. The spin-offs came from shows making money.
Does CSI represent the actual time it takes to do a real forensic investigation? How many TV shows portray their subject with complete accuracy?
Now Munchie comes along and embarrasses himself trying to do what Lear failed to do.

The amusing thing is how much time and effort you put into your cut and paste presentation. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I came along and posted the leader of RNC published statements. You and yours publish statements as official positions of the DNC that its leader has not said.

A few things.
Claiming half of the people are trumpys is considerably off the mark.
Lear hit on subject matter that made his shows unique at the time. They weren't documentaries.

And finally, it took about 3-4 minutes to do the post.

Why, when you are completely ignorant of my work-rate, do you pretend to have a clue how long something takes me to complete?

You embarrass yourself the same old way. You say something.

You still amuse me the same old way. You say something.

Does the fact that it took longer to compose this post than the last amuse you too?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
It doesn't matter what they think.
Their actions accept what he says
I believe that trump lies so dang much that even his most ignorant racist redneck supporters would still believe him. It's possible though and they will still try to defend him lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I love making fun of the trump defenders. They are on their final melt down too. Fun to watch though. Bone spur will be going hard and heavy with stupid the next few months. Putin will be omg can he be more stupid? How can I reappoint a fucking idiot with no fucking clue