Remember when Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan were cool?

Must have been 30 years ago.
tuckahoe's Avatar
They still are cool aren't they?
I saw Hulk on a video a while back. He came to the scene of where his son was being arrested for drunk driving. He talked politely to the cops and didn't try to use his celebrity status to get him off the hook. He just asked what the proceedure was going to be. Looked like it hurt him to see his son that way, and genuinely wanted to do what he could to straighten him out. He even told the cops he couldn't do what they do night after night.
Hulk looked in pretty good shape considering his age, but you could tell his career had taken a toll on him.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Remember when democrats were not leftist communist?
Must have been 30 years ago. Originally Posted by Razorback_on_Fire
Still are. Your opinion has no effect upon the fact.
Coolness is entirely a matter of opinion.
When you are old, you tend to have old friends
Still are. Your opinion has no effect upon the fact. Originally Posted by Bubba_3000
HH is as cool as the great white dancing I saw at the convention last night when 25 years past his peak Kid Rock imitated stuff he learned from actually cool artists.
You do know they both raised millions of dollars for Trump and other conservative candidates, don’t you. No matter you opinion of their entertainment value, their moral superiority in fighting against the violent, hateful, racist, antisemitic Democrats must be applauded.
They have not raised millions of dollars for Trump. Totally made up. Send a link if you have any proof of this nonsense. Moral superiority is wishful thinking unless raw dogging a porn star while your baby is still sucking on his mother's nipple is moral superior. Please tell me you have better arguments than this. Typing in your underwear does not count as facts unless the fact is you are typing in your underwear.
j912x2's Avatar
Morals and your on here and buying sex? Lol how about JFK banging Norma Jean while Jackie was banging onasis? Fuckin morals dam boy wake up
biomed1's Avatar
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