Eclipse: get in the shadow of the son

Mr Peabody's Avatar
.... or daughter.

On Monday, this is a great experience for you to share with your kids. They will remember this eclipse for the rest of their lives, wouldn't it be great if you were part of that memory (even if it means playing nice with the ex).
Mr Peabody's Avatar
OK, so here is where Mr Peabody gets on his soap box and makes the hobby connection to you fuckers.

Your child support needs to take budget priority over your hobby expenses.

Scientists and scholars have defined six requirements for life: 1.breathing 2. eating/drinking 3. growing 4. excrement 5. movement 6. reproduction

When you are on your deathbed, you are not going to wish that had eaten another tasty hamburger, breathe more air, or fucked another comely provider. You will wish you had been a better father.

The next solar eclipse in the US will be in 2045. Wouldn't it be nice if your kids had a pleasant memory of you while they are viewing that.

I've estimated that 40% of you are non-custodial dads, and 20% of you don't meet your monthly obligation.

I realize that the courts are not fair to the dads. But this can never change until the gender pay gap goes away.

Yeah, you didn't have a perfect childhood either, but why not do all you can to end the cycle of poverty and that lack of confidence that you experienced.

Use your big head and be a real man. Really love your kids.

That's all for now.
Kitty litter box thread.
winn dixie's Avatar
RR you beat me to it this b/s belongs in the kitty litter!!! Mr. P grow some freakin balls dude-
winn dixie's Avatar
Damn, I do not even have kids and this shit pisses the hell out of me. Mr. p you are obviously a friend of sue's with this assault on manhood shit
sue_nami's Avatar
well geee thanks for continuing to bring my name to forefront of eccie coed. I guess i need a new threAD to appease my extensive fan club. maybe one about an eclipse and pegging? what do u thing mr P? thanks for your interesting topic and thoughtful point mr P.
russellevans's Avatar
staff edit ynot
knotty man's Avatar
I believe that's against Eccie guidelines
cinderbella's Avatar
I believe that's against Eccie guidelines Originally Posted by knotty man

Yeah great event. Go outside and don't look up. Can't wait.
The hotel costs in the area that the eclipse is supposed to be "fully shady: such as idaho, kentucky and tennessee are crazy high and ppl are renting there houses out at like 1000 a night...just saying
sue_nami's Avatar
one thing tho, Mr. P, sorry hun, you're wrong on when the next one happens, there is a total solar eclipse in Austin in 7 years. look it up, it's true. here is a link. After some prodding from my loyal fan club, I did have to devise a special for the total eclipse of Uranus that will be occurring this weekend only.
harkontume's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
OHhhh yeah, go out and get retina damage on Monday; maybe that way sue will be a little more appealing... AAAAnd what are we supposed to do run out and look at the shaded sun and holler da' plane da' plane?? just sayin''
gfejunkie's Avatar
Best thing to do is go outside during the eclipse and look at the ground under a tree. Pretty amazing stuff...