This member (Fe0327) has got to be one of the most inconsiderate members on the board

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
A few days ago this member booked a 90 minute appointment for 11:30am.

He 1st contacted me via text without PMing me. I ignored the text because I require a PM before I interact with anyone via text.

So the next day he PMs me & then sends me another text around 10am.

He was very polite so I agreed to meet.

I gave him the address of where to come & he replied confirming he received the address.

At 11:25am I text him asking if he'd like me to grab him something from the vending machine or if I could make him some coffee. I never received a reply.

At 11:45am I call him to make sure everything is okay only to discover this asshole BLOCKED ME!

In all my years, this has never happened. I have never encountered someone so inconsiderate. If he had a change of heart, all he had to do was cancel, but instead he literally blocked my number.

I know everything was/is fine (no death, accident or emerengcy) because he was online at 1:08pm the same day & has been online numerous times since then.

Now let me explain all the hassles this asshole caused me.

When he contacted me I was at work with my toddler.

I rushed & left work. Dropped my toddler off at a children's playplace (this costs $15/hr).

I then went to the hotel I had been at the night before.

I had not planned on coming back to the hotel when I left that morning so I had packed up all my stuff.

Luckily (or so I thought) I didn't check out & just left, so when I got back there I went ahead & paid for another day, that way I wouldn't have to go to another hotel & attempt to get an early check in.

During this time I get an appointment request from one of my longterm clients. Being that I wanted to keep my word to my 11:30am, I told him I was unavailable for the day.

So I rush up stairs, make the bed, place candles all around the room, set up the bathroom & put out all the mens toiletries.

Then I finally get in the shower ... all of this for this prick to NCNS.

So ladies, please be aware, if he contacts you, don't let his friendly & professional demeanor fool you, he obviously lacks any amount of respect for us & if you are going to see him, I would highly recommend demanding a deposit before going to see him or if he is requesting an incall, I would require him to get & pay for the room first.

Handle: Fe0327
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. He definitely didnt respect your time. Reading your story made me pause. It underscored the hula hoops yall have to jump through to make each appointment special.
Karlie Raines's Avatar
I’m sorry that happened to you and I seriously hope people understand the things we go through just to accommodate a gentleman for any amount of time. It’s a lot and for your hard work and effort to be taken advantage of and wasted is shitty.


Damon - sorry to hear that, Brooke. That was just wrong.

DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry that happened..hugs!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I appericate the kind words.

I consider myself a very reasonable person, that's why I waited almost a week to make this post.

I was attempting to give him an opportunity to PM me some bullshit lie, & even though it would have been a lie (obviously since he blocked me & didn't just simply NCNS), I still would've PMed him back & thanked him for taking the time to explain his self.

I never get upset when people cancel last minute, life happens.

I've heard everything from sincere reasons to utter bullshit & I always reply thanking them for taking the time to let me know.

I never demand a cancellation fee or request they reimburse me for any expenses I occurred. I never confront them about their BS or try to talk them into coming.

I've had guys book days in advance only to cancel the day of because they "just checked my reviews" & discovered I didn't provide a particular service or fetish they were seeking.

One time I actually had a guy call & cancel when he was IN MY PARKING GARAGE!

This one really spooked me because he knew where my incall was, the code to the garage & my unit number.

But instead of just driving away like a little bitch, he picked up the phone & called me & said he was too nervous & couldn't go through with the appointment.

I didn't try to convince him other wise & simply thanked him for being kind enough to let me know.

While it sucked, I sincerely respected him for making the call. I'm sure it was tough, he knew I was going to be disappointed & would possibly go ballistic on him, yet he still decided to be a man & explain his self.

Unlike Fe0327 , who most certainly is a little bitch.
Brooke....if he didn't have the balls to call or text you to cancel...then he certainly doesn't have the balls to post in this thread.
DallasRain's Avatar
I told my husband that if i evee got married again that it would be to a woman..cause guys are stupid. Lol
It’s really too bad that respect is expected of men and the providers get away with damn near everything. It should be both ways. I am not suggesting you are disrespectful Brooke, but you have several peers who are. I experienced one yesterday and fell for the trap again today.

One part of your story is odd to me and maybe this is just me, but why do the candles and all that jazz? I actually prefer the room bright so I can really see all of the woman I am with in detail.
Sorry that happened to you but it cuts both ways. I have had several providers do basically the same to me.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Nice to see you posting gtoman, I have not seen your handle in a while.

As for the candles, it's just done as a nice touch. Soft music, candles, clean environment ... it makes me feel more feminine & I hope it shows my "client" that I've been anticipating their arrival

I'm sorry you had your time wasted as well. Hopefully your next encounter is off the charts amazing
You get coffee & snacks for your clients Brooke?!
��your soooo sweet����

Thanks for sharing his handle &
I'm so sorry that happened to You, I hope you never have to experience that again!

Kudos on asking for deposit. What I have found works well for me to ensure no more noshows is lower my rate 50 off if they put up a deposit.
It's safer..and if they want to save hobby budget it helps��

What kind of vending machine and snacks are in there?
That's so sweet of you!!!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
One part of your story is odd to me and maybe this is just me, but why do the candles and all that jazz? Originally Posted by gtoman
Because for some ladies it actually means a lot to them to set a soft and romantic ambiance. More often than not guys tend to like dim rooms but I try to ask their preferences on lighting (just in case there's they guy that likes it bright), perfume, drinks to have available, snacks, room temp etc beforehand.

@Brooke it's a real punch to the gut to read the TLC and effort you put into the date (and to make time for it) just for him to essentially rob you off your time and to a degree your money you put in (extending hotel, daycare etc) AND the money you lost from your regular just to see him instead.

Lastly, the bit about him being online a mere 90mins later the same day imo means he was looking to see if you make a public same-day alert on him. Calling this guy inconsiderate is def one of the nicer words that could be used to describe him. This whole incident is jacked tf up. A lot of guys huff and puff about deposits but he's the guy you not only make pay for the room but at minimum deposit 50% for his date.
Nice to see you posting gtoman, I have not seen your handle in a while.

As for the candles, it's just done as a nice touch. Soft music, candles, clean environment ... it makes me feel more feminine & I hope it shows my "client" that I've been anticipating their arrival

I'm sorry you had your time wasted as well. Hopefully your next encounter is off the charts amazing Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Thanks Brooke. I was out of state for a few years where the playground on ECCIE did not have near the scenery. My encounter at the end of my day with Lana Dyer was phenomenal.