Black Radio Host Fired For Allowing Biden White House to Send Scripted Questions

HoHound's Avatar

Why does O'Biden always need to know the questions beforehand if he's "sharp as a tack?"
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sorry to be blunt, but I don't see how one puts the two topics together.

One the one hand you have BI-DONE & The Demonicrat machine
While in the other you have ethics & integrity

I'm just not seeing how you think you can put those two together safely. It's like trying to fuse Matter and Anti-Matter together. Seems like a cataclysmic episode in the making.
I cannot understand why they fired her.

She was simply doing her job as a loyal Democrat who happens to be Black.

As Biden would say, (to paraphrase)…..”If you don’t ask me predetermined questions sent to you by mt staff, you ain’t Black”.
HoHound's Avatar
The connection is this: The propaganda media lied for years about Bidens cognitive condition. And they are still lying about it to this day. Yet Biden needs to know the questions ahead of time before interviews. A man who can't answer questions on the fly is suffering cognitively.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The connection is this: The propaganda media lied for years about Bidens cognitive condition. And they are still lying about it to this day. Yet Biden needs to know the questions ahead of time before interviews. A man who can't answer questions on the fly is suffering cognitively. Originally Posted by HoHound
A reporter, looking to advance her career, used problematic ethics to score a presidential interview. Gee nothing like that has ever happened at Fox while interviewing ol’ schitzenpants. The hypocrisy astounds me.
texassapper's Avatar
A reporter, looking to advance her career, used problematic ethics to score a presidential interview. Gee nothing like that has ever happened at Fox while interviewing ol’ schitzenpants. The hypocrisy astounds me. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LOL... man you are really having difficulty coping with Bidens decline.... she was fired because she told the truth... that she was given the questions to ask....

THAT WAS HER ETHICAL MISTAKE... telling the truth rather than covering up for democrats.
winn dixie's Avatar
I must add here that she was not fired! The accusation is false

She resigned for her own reasons.
Easily fact checked.........
winn dixie's Avatar
I must add here that she was not fired! The accusation is false

She resigned for her own reasons.
Easily fact checked......... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Indeed. Here's just ONE link proving she resigned
txdot-guy's Avatar
LOL... man you are really having difficulty coping with Bidens decline.... she was fired because she told the truth... that she was given the questions to ask....

THAT WAS HER ETHICAL MISTAKE... telling the truth rather than covering up for democrats. Originally Posted by texassapper
It says a lot that you think the ethical mistake is telling the truth. Lying is unethical. Especially in journalism.

My point is that unethical journalism is not that uncommon. At least in this case they admitted and corrected the problem. I see very little of that from right wing media like Fox News.
texassapper's Avatar
It says a lot that you think the ethical mistake is telling the truth. Lying is unethical. Especially in journalism. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Reading is a skill son... Did I fire her? No...therefore the ethical mistake is from the viewpoint of her employers not I. Keep up.
My point is that unethical journalism is not that uncommon. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
uncommon? Jeebus Christus... it's an everyday thing. Journalism is about covering the stories that are critical of democrats.... with a pillow if necessary. All we have left in the US are propaganda outlets operating in concert with the DNC... hello? JOURNO.LIST.. ring a bell?

At least in this case they admitted and corrected the problem. I see very little of that from right wing media like Fox News. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yeah, you may thhink Fox is Conservative but its not...Paul Ryan is on their board... he's as fake a Republican as they come.
txdot-guy's Avatar
uncommon? Jeebus Christus... it's an everyday thing. Journalism is about covering the stories that are critical of democrats.... with a pillow if necessary. All we have left in the US are propaganda outlets operating in concert with the DNC... hello? JOURNO.LIST.. ring a bell?

Yeah, you may thhink Fox is Conservative but its not...Paul Ryan is on their board... he's as fake a Republican as they come. Originally Posted by texassapper
I’m not sure why I even bother anymore. If you think mainstream media is nothing more than organized propaganda and that Paul Ryan is a fake Republican then you appear to be too far down the rabbit hole to even have a rational discussion with.
texassapper's Avatar
I’m not sure why I even bother anymore. If you think mainstream media is nothing more than organized propaganda and that Paul Ryan is a fake Republican then you appear to be too far down the rabbit hole to even have a rational discussion with. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It's easy to prove my thoughts wrong... simply show me a CRITICAL MSM article about anything the Biden Administration has done... and I mean critical from the Center or right viewpoint... not the left.

I'll wait because you're going to spend a lot of time searching... Now find a positive MSM article about Trump from the center or left perspective.

The fact that both of those are going to be hard for you to illustrate with examples OUGHT to tell you something about the nature of what we call journalism in the US. The MSM outlets are simply propaganda producers who regurgitate what the govt. spokeheads tell them to produce.

It's a good thing that Obama had the forethought though an NDAA to allow the US government agencies to propagandize the citizens.

Too bad you can't discern the difference between propaganda and "journalism"
txdot-guy's Avatar
It's easy to prove my thoughts wrong... simply show me a CRITICAL MSM article about anything the Biden Administration has done... and I mean critical from the Center or right viewpoint... not the left.

I'll wait because you're going to spend a lot of time searching... Now find a positive MSM article about Trump from the center or left perspective.

The fact that both of those are going to be hard for you to illustrate with examples OUGHT to tell you something about the nature of what we call journalism in the US. The MSM outlets are simply propaganda producers who regurgitate what the govt. spokeheads tell them to produce.

It's a good thing that Obama had the forethought though an NDAA to allow the US government agencies to propagandize the citizens.

Too bad you can't discern the difference between propaganda and "journalism" Originally Posted by texassapper
The flaw in your argument of course is that the exact same thing is true of right wing conservative media. MSM outlets as you call them may choose to publish articles that their readers will care about but at the core of their journalism is actual truth.

I’ve seen very little of that on the opposite side.
texassapper's Avatar
The flaw in your argument of course is that the exact same thing is true of right wing conservative media. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Is "right wing conservative media" the same thing as the MSM? If it is why do YOU make that distinction? I'm sure you think Fox is right wing... what are the other MSM outlets that are "right wing"?
MSM outlets as you call them may choose to publish articles that their readers will care about but at the core of their journalism is actual truth. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LOL... and you know this because.... I mean let's just take RussiaGate for example... A pulitzer was awarded for it for fcuks sake.... and it's all fcuking lies.

How does that happen? - actually let me rephrase that.... I know why it happens, I want you to explain how it's possible that EVERY MSM outlet got it wrong...

I’ve seen very little of that on the opposite side. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Because you don't read or know anything other than what the MSM is telling you.

I get it... it's hard to see out from the bubble. But stop thinking your bubble is reality. Just as before the debate, any video showing cognitive decline was a cheapfake...

Just like you did in this post....

And you had to be corrected here....

Still think Republicans are making up fake news to hurt Biden? lol... your own words...hah... your own words prove my point... thanks.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Is "right wing conservative media" the same thing as the MSM? If it is why do YOU make that distinction? I'm sure you think Fox is right wing... what are the other MSM outlets that are "right wing"?
LOL... and you know this because.... I mean let's just take RussiaGate for example... A pulitzer was awarded for it for fcuks sake.... and it's all fcuking lies.

How does that happen? - actually let me rephrase that.... I know why it happens, I want you to explain how it's possible that EVERY MSM outlet got it wrong...

Because you don't read or know anything other than what the MSM is telling you.

I get it... it's hard to see out from the bubble. But stop thinking your bubble is reality. Just as before the debate, any video showing cognitive decline was a cheapfake...

Just like you did in this post....

And you had to be corrected here....

Still think Republicans are making up fake news to hurt Biden? lol... your own words...hah... your own words prove my point... thanks. Originally Posted by texassapper
This illustrates my point exactly. We view the same video but have exactly different conclusions to it. I just see an old man but you see a victim of dementia.

My view point is true. Biden is an old man. Your view point is speculative and without proof. It appears to be designed to hurt Biden. So yes Republicans are making shit up to hurt Biden politically!