When you are lucky enough to have someone Down In Your Business......Please don't ruin it by doing any of the following......
1. Take a phone call from your SO and expect them to keep going. Giving you the to make sure you don't make any slurping noises.
2. Texting while moaning (Loudly) like you're actually in to it? What the hell? (A client told me about a provider that did this to him. I couldn't believe it.)
3. Burping or Farting I don't need to really elaborate on this one.
I had a client years ago that used to bring in his 6 pack of beer. He would burp the Whole time....while he was going down on me! E-E-E-U-U-U-W! Come on!! Hahahaaa...that was so fucking awful.
Holy shit balls....it's funny now. No it's not.
I have a lot more I could add here.....but, I'm curious to see what you guys and gals have to say!
~Kelly TNT