Anyone just prefer the "girl next door look"?

More often than not on a first appointment the provider will be dressed in high heals or sexy lingerie or the like. Is that what most men prefer or is it just expected? For me, I prefer someone in shorts and a T-shirt. My fantasy is to be with the girl I see on the street that I really have no chance at meeting. Anyone else prefer this?
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Generally i prefer the girl next door look, like you said shorts and t-shirt or faded jeans.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 04-20-2009, 06:56 PM
And Very Little or No makeup..very natural!
Reminds me of retired blond spinner we used to share. God, I miss her!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
My current ATF says she doesn't care much for dressing to provide the fantasy image. From the first time I ever met her until the present, she's continued to prove it and quite honestly, I can't imagine seeing her any other way. Since we've been meeting, unless it's been for a special occasion she's met me just wearing jeans, a pullover of some sort and little or no makeup. Our last meeting she met me this way, with the added delight of flour spots on her nose and pullover from her baking efforts. She also had bleeding finger that she had just cut on a food processor blade. The result, I got to be the hero emt tech, using all my Boy Scout training from eons ago to clean and sanitize the wound and then finally stop the bleeding. Like Master Card, the rest of the evening was priceless
travelling_man's Avatar
I like a natural a certain extent. What I don't like is a provider that gets so comfortable with you that she doesn't bother to brush her hair, brush her teeth, or even get dressed beyond a houserobe and she doesn't even care enough to shave her pussy and has that two day old stubble. There has been a case where this happened to me and I saw a girl on such a regular basis that it felt like I was fucking my wife again, but paying her. So please take enough time and effort into making yourself up and remember that this is a fantasy for most of us and we would like it if you looked like the fantasy.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I like the HOT woman next door look. I have a dream the old man next door will move out so a HOT woman can move in. So if any of you are the old guy living next door to me... Please.... Help a guy out will you

LMAO!!! =]

I like a natural a certain extent. What I don't like is a provider that gets so comfortable with you that she doesn't bother to brush her hair, brush her teeth, or even get dressed beyond a houserobe and she doesn't even care enough to shave her pussy and has that two day old stubble. There has been a case where this happened to me and I saw a girl on such a regular basis that it felt like I was fucking my wife again, but paying her. So please take enough time and effort into making yourself up and remember that this is a fantasy for most of us and we would like it if you looked like the fantasy. Originally Posted by travelling_man
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 04-21-2009, 07:31 AM
The girl next door type is a fantasy! Tshirt, tank top, shorts, tight jeans, the lady you see groping the grapefruit in the local HEB, or reaching for that item on the top shelf and her belly and back get exposed from reaching too far. That's the kinda lady I like to see answer the door. Just my .02
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
My Avatar is a perfect example. When she dresses casually she reminds me of the girl next door or across the street that I always had to get up and look out the window at every time she came out of her house, even if my wife was sitting right there in the living room. I didn't give a rat's ass!!!

But when she dresses up she can look like a runway fashion model or a $1000 an hour hooker.

My personal preference has been and will always be the casual "girl next door" look!!!
Indiana Bone's Avatar
I like your avatar Fort Worth, is the ink real
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Yes and I think she's planning to add more...
Indiana Bone's Avatar
If you don't mind me asking who is she, i would love to see her on one of my visits to Dallas.
I like a natural a certain extent. What I don't like is a provider that gets so comfortable with you that she doesn't bother Originally Posted by travelling_man
That has happened with me with more than one lady and seems to be the downside of having a regular lady. Slowly it moves from "casual" to "no effort at all". Perhaps the next time it happens I could be just as inattentive to paying as they are being towards their service. Nah, that would not go over well.
Olesweetie's Avatar
I am torn between the girl next door and a lady dressed in gaters and hose! OMG something about that look.