Carly Fiorina Makes a good Point

As a guest on Bill Orielly tonight, she said, "Democrats object to having women be shown an ultrasound of what is inside of them when considering an abortion, but see nothing wrong with the abortionist viewing the ultra sound to see how best to harvest organs from the "fetus".

Just sayin'.........
How many has she had?
How many has she had? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I have no idea.

Take a minute and watch this clip.
flghtr65's Avatar
After she is left off the first Fox debate, her points will not matter. She will be going home even quicker than Michelle Bachman in 2012.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Right now she qualifies. Your crystal balls are broken.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Does anyone think that Jeb Bush will not be the nominee?
flghtr65's Avatar
Right now she qualifies. Your crystal balls are broken. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In this Fox poll dated 7/16/15, Carly is in 12th place. Fox is only taking the first 10.

LexusLover's Avatar
In this Fox poll dated 7/16/15, Carly is in 12th place. Fox is only taking the first 10. Originally Posted by flghtr65
This is July 26th.

Wouldn't that be a pisser, if Hillary had to face someone who is more successful than she has been as the House-Wife of Bill Clinton while Bill gets his nob polished?
This is July 26th.

Wouldn't that be a pisser, if Hillary had to face someone who is more successful than she has been as the House-Wife of Bill Clinton while Bill gets his nob polished? Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is July 26th.

Wouldn't that be a pisser, if LLIdiot actually answered the simple question that he has spent the last several months, running and hiding from?
  • DSK
  • 07-26-2015, 06:15 AM
This is July 26th.

Wouldn't that be a pisser, if LLIdiot actually answered the simple question that he has spent the last several months, running and hiding from? Originally Posted by bigtex
This is July 26th - wouldn't it be great if BigTex had an original thought? I've been waiting to hear something new from him for months - maybe I should just give up?
  • DSK
  • 07-26-2015, 06:16 AM
Does anyone think that Jeb Bush will not be the nominee? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you look at the massive amount of money that he has raised, he looks hard to beat.
This is July 26th - wouldn't it be great if BigTex had an original thought? I've been waiting to hear something new from him for months - maybe I should just give up? Originally Posted by DSK
Why don't you try this "original thought" on for size?

Admit that you are actually JLIdiot (aka Jewish Welsher) and leave this forum.

Just as you promised to do earlier this year.

Is that thought "original" enough for you?
  • DSK
  • 07-26-2015, 06:47 AM
[QUOTE=bigtex;1056991394]Why don't you try this "original thought" on for size? Admit that you are actually JLIdiot (aka Jewish Welsher) and leave this forum. Just as you promised to do earlier this year. Is that thought "original" enough for you?

Not that original for several reasons:

1. Previously proposed by you, and rejected repeatedly as irrelevant and untrue.

2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. I am not JL, or George Jackson, or DontBeDaft!, or Uncle han, or any of the others I have been accused of being.

4. Why don't you go bother UnderConstruction, the freelance faggot from Arkansas?
Why don't you go bother UnderConstruction, the freelance faggot from Arkansas? Originally Posted by DSK
Well Duh!

I did not win a bet against UnderConstruction.

Had I won a bet against UC and he "welshed", I would be bothering him.

Just as I am bothering you!

Why? Because I did win a bet against Jewish Lawyer!

Shortly afterward, JLIdiot "welshed" on our mutual agreed upon wager and morphed himself into the Jewish Welsher, err DSK the Welshing Idiot!


Jewish Welsher, "why don't you" 'fess up?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-26-2015, 08:46 AM
As a guest on Bill Orielly tonight, she said, "Democrats object to having women be shown an ultrasound of what is inside of them when considering an abortion, but see nothing wrong with the abortionist viewing the ultra sound to see how best to harvest organs from the "fetus".

Just sayin'......... Originally Posted by Jackie S
I object to the state making a woman look at something she does not want to view.

I see nothing wrong after a woman has given doctors consent to use tissue from her body , having the folks that will do the research on it , looking at the x ray.

Verbiage on this topic can make it seem much worse or better than it actually is.