Is he really a big game hunter?

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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2015, 11:02 AM
Shooting a Lion that has been lured out of a Park with food is now called Big Game Hunting! WTF?

The lion was lured out of Hwange National Park using a bait and was shot by the Walter James Palmer with a crossbow, Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), told reporters.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hah, we all know those are semi-domesticated animals. Its like shooting a cow.
Shooting a Lion that has been lured out of a Park with food is now called Big Game Hunting! WTF?

The lion was lured out of Hwange National Park using a bait and was shot by the Walter James Palmer with a crossbow, Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), told reporters. Originally Posted by WTF
I bet his mother would be so proud of him.
Hah, we all know those are semi-domesticated animals. Its like shooting a cow. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Cecil was one of the most beloved lions in the park - because he seemed to be fond of people. He wasn't shy.

The dentist who shot him is a complete pansy - trying to compensate for other shortcomings.

I hope he gets busted and sent back to Zimbabwe.

I hope all or most of his clients leave him so he cannot afford to go on any more safaris and pay $50K to shoot a lion or a protected elk.
  • shanm
  • 07-28-2015, 10:27 PM
He's a complete pussy, and that's all he is. Hunting "big" game takes no guts, and there's no glory to be had. The motherfucker just wanted a story for his next cocktail party
I've been on safaris. The animals are so used to humans being around them, they do not even notice for the most part. In Botswana, an entire pride kept following us just to lay in the shade of our jeep. Shooting them is about the most cowardly thing you can do. Grab a knife and go duke it out, then it'll be worth it.
A cock sucker like him should have to "prove his manhood" by being locked into a steel cage with some starving feral hog sows and their babies. Give him a pocket knife and tell him " Get with it tough guy ! "
LexusLover's Avatar
Shooting a Lion that has been lured out of a Park with food is now called Big Game Hunting! Originally Posted by WTF
Every year tens of thousands of "hunters" ambush deer while they dine on corn (and other attractive "treats") and some of their "trophies" adorn their dens.

Some justify it on "thinning" the herds to keep them from "starving"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2015, 05:21 AM
Every year tens of thousands of "hunters" ambush deer while they dine on corn (and other attractive "treats") and some of their "trophies" adorn their dens.

Some justify it on "thinning" the herds to keep them from "starving"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not quite understand your point LL.

If it is to say killing corn fed deer that you have trained to basically eat out of your hand , not much of a sport, I'd agree.
  • DSK
  • 07-29-2015, 05:31 AM
I do not quite understand your point LL.

If it is to say killing corn fed deer that you have trained to basically eat out of your hand , not much of a sport, I'd agree. Originally Posted by WTF
Considering the magnificence of modern weaponry, and the convenience of 4 wheel drive utility vehicles, and entire stores devoted to specialized equipment to make hunting easy, I don't see the sport in it at all.

Unless you are doing it with a bow and arrow, it is kind of silly to brag about it.
Every year tens of thousands of "hunters" ambush deer while they dine on corn (and other attractive "treats") and some of their "trophies" adorn their dens.

Some justify it on "thinning" the herds to keep them from "starving"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hell, I've seen longhorn's mounted on cars and trucks in Texas, wonder where they shot them?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Big difference between conservation hunting and canned hunts.

The dentist did not go there with the intention of shooting that particular lion. It may have been difficult for him to know that his "guides" were setting up on the edge of a preserve to lure a lion to the bait.

Now if he shot the lion after his guides told him not to shoot because it was a "pet" then the dentist should have all of his teeth extracted without the benefit of Novocaine.

Hunters, sportsmen, and fishermen, in the modern era, have done more to conserve and restore wildlife populations than any "tree huggers" ever have. If you do not have the knowledge of these facts, educate yourself.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2015, 06:27 AM
Big difference between conservation hunting and canned hunts.

The dentist did not go there with the intention of shooting that particular lion. It may have been difficult for him to know that his "guides" were setting up on the edge of a preserve to lure a lion to the bait.

Now if he shot the lion after his guides told him not to shoot because it was a "pet" then the dentist should have all of his teeth extracted without the benefit of Novocaine.

Hunters, sportsmen, and fishermen, in the modern era, have done more to conserve and restore wildlife populations than any "tree huggers" ever have. If you do not have the knowledge of these facts, educate yourself. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The Lion was collared...

They are killing off the gene pool of trophy mane Lions.

I am a big proponent of herd and land management.

We should use those same principles on people...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Nobody likes a Dentist.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The same people that get upset with this have no problem with killing unborn babies.
a sweaty, overweight, past middle aged, narcisstic impresser of no one but himself, who only obtains transient satisfaction in ever more lurid ways, who wants to fill a trophy room and has more money than any esteem derived from helping instead of selfishness...hmmm is this WTF? nah that's too harsh