Denied service s because of my shirt

I found this website not long ago and am nonplussed with the depth of information. Impressive. Ladies and gentlemen, please, share your thoughts and/or suggestions. I’d like for this to not be an issue any longer.

Kicked out, denied/refused services, asked to leave, etc because I would not take my shirt off. At one location I’d removed everything else and was still given the boot. It does not happen 100% of the time but I find it does occur most of the time. The following is my justification and what I share with all providers that it causes an issue for.

I prefer to keep my shirt on because of a fairly severe injury to my back and arms as well as my gut. This is an extremely stressful situation so I chose to prevent anyone from seeing. (Relative to this hobby it would cause questions and, the worst part, a gasp, the facial expressions or comment because of disbelief I survived . Those things kill the mood.) I spent months in the hospital, had a number of surgeries and there are a few more to come. Almost a year later and I am still healing and going to physical therapy. I will not discuss or make any comments about what happened to me other than saying it happened while working.

My nipples are in perfect condition. The problem is I don’t need them so FUC.......... I like humor. It has kept me going.

At first I imagined some consided it could be a setup and maybe I was wearing a wire. I toss that reason in one-half less than no time because, I have in some cases and I others I offer or would remove everything else. I can’t budge on my preference. I’ll give up the hobby and stay home with “Handelina Jolie” and her sister “Pamela Handerson”. The event was bad enough..I don’t want to relieve it constantly.

I’m seeking perspective from the providers and the fellas. Thank you everyone.
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Discuss it beforehand. You will find providers who are sympathetic. Don’t spring it on them. They are wary and with good cause. Best wishes.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
The girls prefer me to keep the tshirt on.....just like shirts n skins teams all over again lol.
Phrasing's Avatar
Never had that issue before myself. Glad you are doing better and hopefully continue to heal.

What sites are you using?
I am so sorry this is happening to you. Lmk if I can help... you can look around, but you don't need to look far

Winter Monroe's Avatar
Good providers shouldn't have a problem as long as you tell us before you come. Your not the only man who doesn't like to take your shirt off. I've met plenty that aren't comfortable with their own body's so they keep it on.

Good Luck!
Sweetpea000's Avatar
That wouldn’t bother me at all! We tell you what we are comfortable with. Same as you. I am so sorry this happened but we are all not like that.. just sayin
Get a Let’s Go Brandon t shirt nobody would ask to remove it