Ah the good 'ol days

Before there was big doggie, gabby’s board, Dennis’s board, TER, ASPD and yes, way long before eccie, there was DaJaVu News, which later was bought by Google and achieved its’ content.
Starting in 1998, there was me in K.C.

Now I’m not singing sour grapes, but IMHO if there wasn’t me, and others like me, there wouldn’t be eccie. I think that would merit free access for me.
I’m just saying:

Yip starting in 1998.
As long as Google remains alive so will my legacy live on. When eccie eventually goes by the waist side, so will all of its’ reviews.
So for your reading pleasure I give you these. Ah, yes, the good 'ol days
http://groups.google.com/groups/search?enc_author=NB1fqRgAAAAX BurPYDL08J0oz7laYO09tiDKbEn1fj JfYkQTWXi1Vg
ss4699's Avatar
Head = the link is broken!

And since this is hobby related, it could be in Coed
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
I think someone else has reminisced about the times before ECCIE and other sites like it. I remember using PitchWeekly, the Yellow Pages (under Escort and Massage) and alt.sex.prostitution for information. You had to take some chances back then; some didn't work out and others did beyond your wildest dreams. I never got pinched, but got ripped off on more than one occasion. I met some very sweet (and lusty) ladies from that time.

By comparison, almost everyone seems rather timid now.
aspenxtremes's Avatar
Remember cowtowninfo?
Remember cowtowninfo? Originally Posted by aspenxtremes
I believe that was Gabby's board (Gabby's Lounge [BBS] - founded 1989), which was mentioned in the first post . . . Gabby's sort of morphed into Cowtown with the popularity of the World Wide Web. Now it has has has evolved into a web site specializing in helping incarcerated women find friends as pen pals to help them cope with their loneliness.


- Jackie
aspenxtremes's Avatar
Awww...I just remember it by what I had to type in the address bar
Guest010418's Avatar
I remember all of those.