I'm a human being guys

Anna Lane's Avatar
I'm deleting my showcase. Because I can.
Do what you gotta do Anna. We (hopefully) all wish you the best!
hotrix1's Avatar
And if you meant this:
.....and I'm pretty sure someone else has been told that their report if their NON-INCOUNTER has been dually noted and has been told that they need to let it go. An incident from years ago that's been beaten to death on here should not be continued to be mentioned.... and it's been told to you... still though, I will admit that I had a moment or two in the beginning of my hobbying where I didn't handle things as I should have. And after an honest mistake, I could have handled business better. But I was new. Unprofessional from being brand new and then totally intimidated by someones insanely hateful comments and undeserved harrassment that has CONTINUED FOR YEARS!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Anna Lane
Is this supposed to be apologetic? And how have I harrassed you for years when I haven't made any comments about our non-encounter to anyone in the Panhandle or anywhere else since the incident my dear? Now that would be an overstatement pretty young lass.

But deleting your showcase is just plain childish. If you can admit your fault and apologize, more often than not, it would be accepted. Behaving like an immature child will not garner any respect from anyone. But an apology would go a long way to correct any unintended consequences. And it would show the rest of the gents that you accept responsibility for your actions or inaction, whatever the case may be. Now your trouble with the other guy may or may not have been a misunderstanding or a miscommunication. Quite different from our non-encounter. Which I would have been willing to forgive and forget. Hey, nobody's perfect. Me, least of all. But realize this. What you do or don't do after to correct the situation would serve to defuse or aggravate the situation even further.

It's a matter of choices. And it is your turn to make the one that is RIGHT, or the one that just suits you better. Your choice.

And it would be a damn shame if you'd walk away now. JS