Dallas Cop Hobbying On-Duty

MasterTrucker's Avatar
This just in!!!!!

Dallas PD Cop caught red handed with a street provider hobbying while On-Duty. And not only was he caught by a supervisor, his in car camera video taped it all for us to see.

So I guess they did not like that, cause they fired him.

Of course he told her she had to put out or he was haulin her in. So he is going to jail on top of losing his job.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Maybe he can declare that he had a one man sting going on.

oldmarine's Avatar
It was pretty stupid of him to leave the camera on. He deserves whatever he gets for forcing the woman to "service" him. Even street walkers have feelings and they do not deserve to be abused. Especially by those sworn to protect and to serve.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-29-2010, 06:34 PM
Is there a link to this story. I would be interested in reading all about it. Too funny!
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Forcing her isn't "hobbying". It's sexual assault.
TheWanderer's Avatar
That's just all kind of wrong....not for getting some action on the side, but for the low-life sexually assaulting her and using his badge and power to force her to submit to his will. He's no different than any of the other scumbags recently discussed in the Alert section.
I'm glad he was charged with sexual assault on top of losing his job.
LazurusLong's Avatar
And you can bet this was not the first time he pulled this shit.
Logan's Avatar
  • Logan
  • 06-29-2010, 10:23 PM
He deserves whatever he gets for forcing the woman to "service" him. Even street walkers have feelings and they do not deserve to be abused. Especially by those sworn to protect and to serve. Originally Posted by oldmarine
Well said OldMarine!

Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident. I know a provider that graduated from the street circuit to the internet. She was a thin redhead and only 20 yo at the time when this happened. She told me that she was once picked up by LE and was supposedly on her way to jail…but the officer took her to a secluded area and raped her. I remember her telling me that she had to ask the officer to put on a condom before raping her. This happened in the I-35 / Illinois area just south of downtown.

Some of theze “dirty cops” act like they are above the law and untouchable. I’m assuming that this probably wasn’t the first time that this officer has done something like that. I do commend the other officers for reporting him instead of just “turning away” and “accepting” it. Yes, there are some that really do “protect and serve”.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Some guys go into law enforcement for the right reasons and we should all thank them for the great service they provide.

Other low life, piece of shit ass holes that become cops do it for an ego power trip. They are worse than criminals.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Forcing her isn't "hobbying". It's sexual assault. Originally Posted by Merlin's Wand
Absolutely. Nothing but rape. I hope he enjoys him time in the pen.
What digusts me is that there are probably plenty more incidents like this that don't get reported or caught....and I help pay their salaries.
Steelag70's Avatar
Unfortunately for that poor girl, this guy slipped through the cracks in the screening process for new officers. As with any public service there are mostly good, but just enough that are bad. From what I understand he was still in his probationary phase of 90 days...at least he is off the streets.
LazurusLong's Avatar
From the article:
"Thorn was hired in December 2008 and was assigned to the southeast patrol division. As a new officer, he was still on probationary status, which allowed police commanders to fire him immediately based on the allegation."

Unless that's a typo and they meant 2009, that still is more than 90 days probation. More like 18 months and he is still on probation?
Atlas's Avatar
  • Atlas
  • 06-30-2010, 05:32 PM
Maybe it's three years if you're a cop???

Either way, it's good to know the pig is going to be getting a taste of his own medicine real soon...