We need to talk. I found <blank> in your <blank>

Are there any more bone-chilling words than those?

Last February my wife called me at work and said, "Ummm, we need to talk. I opened your computer so I could check my email and I found this email account I didn't know about, and there were all kinds of emails from women . . ."

She had found one of my alternate email accounts. Fortunately, there was nothing truly incriminating in it. If she had found my hobby email, however . . . *shudder*!

How would you guys fill in those blanks? Perhaps "I found panties in your glove compartment"?

What would give you night sweats, if your SO were to say something like that to you?
Guest010619's Avatar
You should a talked to a computer expert about how to set up a secret email account and get in the habit of rebooting your computer. Otherwise you're just daring to get caught.
albundy's Avatar
Sorry that happened, man. First off, I ALWAYS clear my browsing history when I'm done and I have NO shortcuts to the email. That has been good enough so far. Also, go to that little cog shaped icon in the upper right of your screen (Windows 7, I still use that because I hated Windows 8) and click on it. Go to "Safety", then go to "InPrivate Browsing". Use that.

But about your problem. Does any of your friends that happened to be single ever use your computer? It's a lame excuse, but some women REALLY want to believe it. Worth a shot.

Maybe you made up that email as a fake online persona. Hell, we have a few of those on here anyway so it does happen. Also not a great excuse, but better than nothing.
albundy's Avatar
Also, I know that these suggestions came late. I see you posted at 6:09PM and I didn't reply until much later so you probably already had the conversation with your SO by that point. But, you can still use that second excuse I suggested. Just say you were embarrassed to tell her about it in your initial conversation. It makes you look kind of silly having a fake online persona, but it's believable that you would be embarrassed to admit it. And it's better than admitting the truth.

Edit. - Ok I didn't notice at first. You said this was in February. Oh well.
Guest010619's Avatar
Just say you've gone into some porn sites and this was the results.
Glad you survived - Here's a tip:

In Google Chrome try Control + Shift + N - That will give you a new Incognito Window that does not store a history and allows you to browse untracked. Always close your windows and, oh yeah... don't be a dumbass!! That should work until the divorce......
beam me up scotty's Avatar
If you are married and don't log out every time on Eccie, p411, and hobby email, any thing that happens is clearly stupidity.
RandB fan's Avatar
Why not spin it towards getting some more attn from the SO unless of course your married to an ice cube or worse.

"Honey, Do you remember when...BBBJ, Greek, and wore French maids outfits...? Worked for me and it's worked for others.

Oh and take the computer into someone and get it sterilized. Learn how to boot off of external drive and password protect that drive. (there are some Dell drives that even Dell can't get to without board replacement but that's not that hard to do) Never use (boot from) the operating system on the computer to play ever again.

Why do I say that? You have to be proactive, get all the data off the computer, tell your wife it caught a virus. Do something proactive before she tells her friends who know enough about computers (or who have hubbies that do) and divorces who load your computer up after you leave for work o(r just clone the hard drive) giving you only just enough rope and a chair to have to explain everything.

There are programs to take your keystrokes to the cloud, have them analyzed, and then emailed back to her non existent email account. Put TOR browser on that drive and then use an anonymous email client.. Ask the guy who gives your tainted data the dip, He will show you. I am currently in IL and my computer thinks it is in Nashville. My mac address changes every hour.

One of my ex's teacher friends was married to a PI who, without my knowledge, was best friends with my atty. I got a heads up thanks to a lawyer who would rather have a $$ bottle of Irish vs 10K in fees. I saw the money was missing from her slush fund and I was still married so I was off to the store for another bottle for the PI. That was 10+ years ago. Women are smarter now when it comes to divorce as all their friends have been there and learned lessons they are willing to teach. While you're at it have the guy look for dirt on the wifey. Never Know!

Maybe we should have a tech sticky about this as there are lots of IT guys around who do this for more than fun. Really something that looks like a flash drive can give someone remote access to everything without a trace.

Could this man be your downfall? LOL

maybe buy an inexpensive tablet. keep it at work...can always tether form your phone for a connection.
I'm not looking for advice - the situation was resolved months ago.

I just wondered if anyone else had had this kind of conversation.
This thread really makes me glad I'm single.
Jwillie's Avatar
Once. Right before I got married. Literally the week before. A FWB had recently emailed me pics. It was an account I had had for years but she didn't know about. When she went to log into her email and started typing it auto populated my account. Luckily I had recently deleted everything in there and there was just the one email. I said I hadn't checked that email in forever and since there were no sent items or read messages I was in the clear. But whew! I was sweating bullets.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Or all of you windows guys could just throw the microsoft junk in the trash and go to the much more secure Apple. You could then set up separate users accounts on the Mac that will flip to totally separate screens and be password protected. If your SO wants to use your computer she will have her own section of the computer to work with, and not have access to your section. Don't give her your password and set the user section to require passwords before flipping back and forth between users. It works for children too - they have their own sections of the computer to use and you limit their programs to what you want them to have. Of course, I like to have a computer all to myself and no one else. But set you passwords, so no one else can check in.

tandyscone's Avatar
In this context, how is OS X more secure than Windows? Setting up separate, password protected accounts is just as easy in Windows as in OS X.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Before I clicked to read I plugged in 'cum' and then 'hair'.

'K bye.