ran into provider at gas station...

boblawblog's Avatar
i had just finished getting gas when a car pulled up next to me.
i looked over and it was a provider i have seen before and just so happen to have a meeting scheduled for a couple days away.
i wasn’t sure what the protocol was for this situation so after a brief pause, i rolled down window and said hi.
she was alone and i was alone, which i think are important facts here haha.
she looked over, laughed, then came over and gave me a hug through my window.
we said our hellos and laughed then went our separate ways.
i was just curious if this has happened to anyone and how you responded, or would respond if it happens in the future.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Never happened to me, but a long time ago, I saw a provider whom I’ve never met, at the gym. Didn’t say anything cause I thought it would’ve been creepy as fuck, but I just thought to myself “wow. She’s got good form with her leg work outs. No wonder she’s got legs for days. I should see her one day!”

I think you handled it very well and wasn’t weird or creepy at all.
Walked by a provider in Walmart a while back, but she didn't notice me. I texted her and she told me where she was and I came over to her and we had a nice conversation. It was someone I know very well, though. I've never encountered any others like that.
splitlog's Avatar
Several times. I met two before we knew each other hobbied.
Ran into about 4 others in real life situations. One was crazy. My child and hers was at the dentist at the same time right next to each other. No rooms. One big open room for kids. My SO was with me. Yikes. No issues she didn’t acknowledge me. And we laughed about it later.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Several times. I met two before we knew each other hobbied.
Ran into about 4 others in real life situations. One was crazy. My child and hers was at the dentist at the same time right next to each other. No rooms. One big open room for kids. My SO was with me. Yikes. No issues she didn’t acknowledge me. And we laughed about it later. Originally Posted by splitlog

Hahaha!! Man, I would’ve shit a brick! Nice of her for not acknowledging you I’m front of the SO!
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Couple of times. One in particular was the superstar Jayden, didnt say a word we laughed and kept on with our business. Only to catch up a few days later. Couldnt get those yoga pants out of my head until I took them off myself. Fun girl!!

Every now and then this one beautiful freak, shes retired or utr now. Known around here by a few. We partied together very recently. We have to many mutual friends to ever say anything. It's best to leave that one alone and never say a word.

Staying on subject or trying too. Have any of you ran into one you graduated HS with and come to find out your brother was fucking her too. Yeah that happened.
2wheels2fun's Avatar
Once at wallyworld, I ran into a provider I had seen days earlier. She looked...terrified. There was a big honkin' dude walking with her who could beat me to a pulp if he wanted. Long story short, I made no acknowledgement and kept walking.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-13-2018, 07:47 PM
I've had it happen a handful of times... usually handled very discreetly, and laughed about later.

One Time, while passing each other (alone) in a large indoor Mall... without ANY previous plans, we immediately and spontaneously; stopped, hugged, and left to meet at the nearest Hotel, practically on site of the Mall!

Assuredly, one of my very ATF's... and she always will be.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Happened to me too many times that I would want, that's why I never post face pics. Creepy when a client tells you he seen you in public before he met you...ekkkk. I like discretion
boblawblog's Avatar
these are great! i figured there would be some good responses
I have had 2 incidents. Both times while was at work functions. First one was at a restaurant eating with my boss in Little Rock, eye contact but no verbal response. The second time at a department store, the provider came up from behind and started a conversation to me in front of a co-worker. I just played it off as nothing but it pissed me off.
It happened to me a few months ago. I was driving down the street and saw a provider who use to be really popular on Eccie, but now retired walking out of a Walgreens. I knew her place was just a few blocks away and she was walking across the parking lot in that direction, so I knew she was on foot. I pulled in the parking lot and stopped beside her. At first she was taken back as she didn’t recognize me through my shaded windows but when I rolled them down she smiled, hugged me and gave me a big kiss. I offered her a ride and she invited me into her place. We spent a couple of hours just enjoying each other’s company and catching up. Great afternoon as I was in the right place at the right time.
willro's Avatar
I haven't experienced this exactly as described. I think the acceptable protocol would be to make no acknowledgement at all of each other if either were not alone. If both are alone, maybe say hello like a normal human and then go about your business.

I've always had some small trepidation that I will one day schedule a first time visit with a lady and discover that I RL know her, or worse she knows me and I don't know or recognize her.

Once at a SC I bought a lap dance from a girl in her early 20s and I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew her from somewhere. I figured it out midway through the second lap dance. I had met her a few times about 5 years before. She was the daughter of a guy I used to work with and we had met a few times when his family was with him at company events and she was high school age. It somehow started to feel really dirty then. I hope she never realized who I was.
I had the same feeling Willro when I had known a provider a long time and we became friends on Facebook. I was surprised when under mutual friends that she was friends with my grand daughter. I asked her how she knew her and she said they were good friends in high school. That was a weird moment for me. I still see her UTR, but we are both careful that my grand daughter doesn’t know how we know each other.
Hogfan69's Avatar
I ran into Sexy Brittany downtown in the River Market. The first time she walked by while I was sitting at a window table and I was with friends and we gave each other a big grin and she texted me asking what I was doing. We saw each other soon at a piano bar where she came up dressed to impress and gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. She was meeting some real life friends but definitely had my friends' jaws dropping while we visited. But we were casually cool too and had gone out to eat a couple of times off the clock. I'd really like to catch up to that girl sometime.