Nc/ns Dreamybrooke she just doesn't give a crap

Provider: (832-441-4814). Posting chat logs isn't allowed but I have them if anyone wants a look. So ridiculous. Brooke is by far the flakiest, most inconsiderate provider I've communicated with.

So she texts me today telling me that she is possibly getting a room in southwest Houston, near me. I'm automatically excited about this, and ask her when she'll be available. She says to me "Any". So I tell her that I would be glad to see her between 5 and 6 pm, for one hour. She agrees. I wait for her to send me an address. Instead, she calls me and asks if I can get the room for her. I'm think to myself, er...whatever, fine. If this will let me see her then I'll just get the damn room.

Come 430pm, I send her a reminder text. She lets me know that due to traffic, she doesn't really want to come anymore. She asks if I can drive 30-40 minutes to her location. Oh, and get this, she actually *raises* her rate, telling me that she's going to charge extra if she has to drive. All of this 30 minutes before our scheduled appointment.

Don't really know what else to say. Good job brooke, you've raised my spirits and dashed them once again. For the last time this time.
notanewbie's Avatar
she is ugly, whack off and save 3 bones.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Thanks for the info. Strike One, SHE'S OUT.
shiet.... I forgot about the chat... I am going fishing.....
oilman12's Avatar
Too bad. That ass of hers looks good!
Provider: (832-441-4814). Posting chat logs isn't allowed but I have them if anyone wants a look. So ridiculous. Brooke is by far the flakiest, most inconsiderate provider I've communicated with.

So she texts me today telling me that she is possibly getting a room in southwest Houston, near me. I'm automatically excited about this, and ask her when she'll be available. She says to me "Any". So I tell her that I would be glad to see her between 5 and 6 pm, for one hour. She agrees. I wait for her to send me an address. Instead, she calls me and asks if I can get the room for her. I'm think to myself, er...whatever, fine. If this will let me see her then I'll just get the damn room.

Come 430pm, I send her a reminder text. She lets me know that due to traffic, she doesn't really want to come anymore. She asks if I can drive 30-40 minutes to her location. Oh, and get this, she actually *raises* her rate, telling me that she's going to charge extra if she has to drive. All of this 30 minutes before our scheduled appointment.

Don't really know what else to say. Good job brooke, you've raised my spirits and dashed them once again. For the last time this time. Originally Posted by extraperson1988
That sucks. You know in space time as you're traveling closer to a cosmic object there's this thing called the event horizon *aka* the point of no return where the gravitational pull is so great it literally becomes impossible to pull away from but you were able to pull away.

She looks nice so I can see why you were attracted. Better luck next time.
Got blinded by the gyno shots in her showcase, eh? 18 my ass...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Does she do doubles?
What about a 15min rate?
  • cr76
  • 05-08-2014, 06:45 AM
I've seen Brooke before - I think she said she does doubles- she did a really good bbbj with cim on me
Prime Time's Avatar
Her pimp's car is in the shop.

dreamybrooke's Avatar
hahaha wack ... eat my ass i dont flake u dont reply /./..hhhmm im 19 thanks hun ... hahah
dreamybrooke's Avatar

im so ugly with out photo editor . eat my ass hater.
  • cr76
  • 05-09-2014, 04:23 PM
Ep your rebuttal??
Ha! Your right she don't give a FUCK AND I LIKE IT!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I have a response. I'll get my

Then when the dust settles I'll eat brookes ass.