Any advice on how to screen right?

Can anyone give me advice on what's the best way to screen? I'm getting on P411 thanks to a guy I saw who referred me there (THANKS!). So I'm trying to do this the right way. Thanks for any advice!
Screen screen safe out here...ask for recent referrals and check those....if in doubt, don't !!!
Keep your spidey senses sharp, p411 will be a great tool but ask and verify...I know it may seem like you are too picky but it only takes one slip to put you in a bad situation...
Ask the other ladies, but you should also be up front when asked for a report from them...
I know you've been told all this, but hope it reaffirms....
To screen right, see only republicans . Sorry, given the season, could not resist a political joke.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I'm sure the line is getting long already, but here's the ww post with pics:

Chiquitita.... Que guapa! Bienvenidos a Dallas
Until you get your bearings i would stick to p411. Stay above 5 okays and make sure all his okays are from ladies who have given a lot of okays.

If you do see eccie guys. Get two or three good references. Wait for a reply. Don't be in a rush regardless of what he's offering. Make sure his references are established providers with good history. Sometimes they will answer but many times they won't. Its just how it is. But always get your reference before agreeing to see. The risk isnt worth it.

Some ladies screen without references and do a great job of keeping themselves safe. Im not one of them. I don't see newbies but i know some successfuly do. Maybe they can add to here as well.

Good luck and have fun. Take it slow and low. Dont feel pressured to see everyone at once. Dont get lured in by the guys on here who promise you more business or better business. You can and will do better on your own. Just be smart and keep your head on straight.

Oh and lastly, the search function on this site is your friend. Sometimes it says it doesnt pull up anything but if you search a second time it will. Always search handles of anyone you are in contact with.