Hack Attempt

FightFan's Avatar
Apparently , I have pissed off a SB or provider. . I have two accounts under attack from a hacker . My hobby burner is getting Snapchat SMS texts with links wanting me to log in, saying your friends want you back and also links saying i have messages waiting from specific accounts . The number sending the texts is a short code number . I have been logged out of snapchat and will not log in again and still getting the links .

My seeking account was under the same attack . Fake SMS text links sent to my hobby phone wanting me to log in .

How can I combat these attacks ? I am smart enough to ignore the messages and not respond to these texts .

These hacking attempts seem too sophisticated to be done by any SB or provider I am familiar with .

Anyone with similar experiences , advice or info ? Please help .
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Block the number.
Your # has been sold to a marketing/hack outfit
You literally may have to get a new number to "combat" this.
FightFan's Avatar
I have already ditched the burner and going to start fresh . I am not sure why a SB/Provider would go through so much trouble to cause a problem for me.

It may have been the scammers from SA wanting payback for me telling the to FO numerous times . Not sure but my problems should be over. New burner in hand . It was a quick fix . I probably hung on to that burner for too long anyway. It was time for a change .

What does it cost to get a hacker to do your bidding ? Not looking to hack anyone just wondering what dollar amount a pissed off SB/Provider is wiling to go to for a little revenge ?
It could also be someone stole a providers phone then started the hacking issues, or used them to search for people to hack.
FightFan's Avatar
Turns out a Geek boyfriend of my SB got into her phone. Supposedly without her knowledge . A reminder to everyone to erase old messages and don't keep pics if you have a significant other . Never use a pic for a number identifier with all pertinent info like email and any app info on your contacts . This MFer even has my real world name and address.

Now I have to keep an eye out for a psycho boyfriend wanting revenge . I am not the only SD she had so be careful . We never talked about her other SDs but I have been around the way a few times and definitely know it was in the neighborhood of 3 . ( We all know the tells )

Apparently she was a stickler for details and kept full RW contact information. If Geek BF was smart enough to look at her Uber destination information there are potentially more of us at risk .