Football venue with ONE endzone

nuglet's Avatar
This should be interesting.... College football at Wrigley field will be played with ONE endzone. A safety issue required that the field be reconfigured. That means all offensive play will be in one direction, with the field yardage markers being changed between possessions.. no word about interceptions or fumble recoveries.... it should be fun to watch if televised:
trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
After reading the article, the other endzone still exists but no offense will be playing towards it. That end zone is safe enough to return a turn over but I could see how it would get sketchy when you have a bunch of recievers running around in there.

What I don't get is why you'd want to host a Big 10 game there anyway. Wrigley field only holds 40,000 people, it's the 10th smallest actively used ballpark. And with that layout most of those seats suck.

Northwestern seats 47,000
Illinois seats 62,00
Just for reference, UT stadium seats 102,000

Maybe they just wanted the media attention.. who knows. Either way, I don't get it.