Eerie Similarities

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You DARE call anybody else politically incorrect? You're a race baiting, Anti-Semite and deserve sanctions. You've taken shots at Jewish people and Jewish American liberty twice now?
Your point is more inappropriate than strategic.

You're just to ignorant to know it.

But yourre stupid enough to keep it up.

Spare us the stupidity.

You think Obama is a criminal, bring charges! Be a man for once.

Come on Whiny, You need a Constitutional lawyer? I know a few. I want you to put your money where your mouth is ... Beside that dudes lap in the Salina bus station.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You get upset when simple concepts elude you, don't you, Assup? I guess you can't see the similarities. And I've said nothing anti-Semitic, but you support people partying in blackface - in 2013! I don't think you have any credibility in this area, Assup. Now let the grownups comment.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Whatzup, I missed it when you pressed charges against George Bush. You must have because you think he was a criminal and we KNOW (because you told us) that you have balls of brass. Probably more like lead. Soft, heavy, and only good for bullets.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Cue the theme from "Outer Limits."
JCM800's Avatar
You're bizarre.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Explain the differences, Timmy.
Explain the differences. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The difference is that you are a StupidOldCompulsiveLyingFart.

That should satisfy your 'idled' curiosity!
Explain the differences, Timmy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry, but I 'm not playing your silly game. If you think Obama and Hitler are the same, we no longer have anything to talk about because you need to be in the squirrel tank getting your head shocked.
Sorry, but I 'm not playing your silly, childish game. If you think Obama and Hitler are the same, we no longer have anything to talk about because you need to be in the squirrel tank getting your head shocked. Originally Posted by timpage
I corrected the slight omission!
You DARE call anybody else politically incorrect? You're a race baiting, Anti-Semite and deserve sanctions. You've taken shots at Jewish people and Jewish American liberty twice now?
Your point is more inappropriate than strategic.

You're just to ignorant to know it.

But yourre stupid enough to keep it up.

Spare us the stupidity.

You think Obama is a criminal, bring charges! Be a man for once.

Come on Whiny, You need a Constitutional lawyer? I know a few. I want you to put your money where your mouth is ... Beside that dudes lap in the Salina bus station.


Posted in Fakestinians, Self Hating Jews
Liberal-Jews Turning Away From Obama~Is It Because They Finally Are Figuring Out That Obama Is Like Hitler?

Posted on October 13, 2010 by The MAD Jewess | Leave a comment
Why did it have to take this long for Jews to turn away from Obama? Is it because he is a Muslim? Is it because he is an Israel-hater? Who knows. NO Jew should ever want Obama in charge. He is the one behind the Jew-hatred out of control.
Obama: Nationalized healthcare; so did Hitler.
Obama: Nationalized the banks, so did Hitler.
Obama: Nationalized the car cos, so did Hitler.
Obama: Seeking to ‘reform’ education, same as Hitler. What more do you liberal Jews need? For Obama to send you to the gas chambers here in America before you wake up?
New Poll: American Jews Are Moving Away From Obama ^ | 10/12/2010 1 hour ago | Jeff Dunetz
Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 7:35:39 AM by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
American Jews, 78% of whom voted to make Barack Obama president are continuing to move away from Obama and his policies. According to a survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) , 51% of Jews approve of the way Obama is doing his job. While that number may seem high keep in mind that the AJC poll conducted in March 2010, showed the president with a 58% approval
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, but I 'm not playing your silly game. If you think Obama and Hitler are the same, we no longer have anything to talk about because you need to be in the squirrel tank getting your head shocked. Originally Posted by timpage
You think identifying and confronting tyranny is a "silly game". Well, that explains a lot of the problem we have. You are intentionally ignoring the facts, Timmy, and covering your ignorance with a blanket of self-righteousness. That way, you can avoid the hard questions by pretending to be better than me. You're a poser and a phony, Timmy.

One more time, what are the differences?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2013, 09:38 PM
Sorry, but I 'm not playing your silly game. If you think Obama and Hitler are the same, we no longer have anything to talk about because you need to be in the squirrel tank getting your head shocked. Originally Posted by timpage

They used to play six degree's of separation with this Hitler shit, now they just think Obama was Hitler's love child born out of wedlock in Africa!

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  • WTF
  • 02-26-2013, 09:41 PM
Obama: Seeking to ‘reform’ education, same as Hitler. What more do you liberal Jews need? For Obama to send you to the gas chambers here in America before you wake up? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IIFF, you gotta quit posting stupid shit like this or they might come take you away!