hypocrite christian nutcase!!

kiki2012's Avatar
Has anyone girls or guys had deal with an insane lunatic christian nutcase?? I have this one ol fucker keeps on emailing me harassing me about religious bs. And this is the guy who would get overnighters with me!! I hate hypocrites!!
kiki2012's Avatar
He jealous and a hater I presume. So he keeps tryin threat me. Pathetic fuck!
People change, and sometimes it aint for better. Sounds like he found religion and now he wants to.change. block his e mail and be done with it.
I agree w/ pfmtony. Don't reply to that BS. Weirdos feed off of how you react to them.. Don't add fuel to the fire.. Just block his e-mail & move on
Duke of G's Avatar
Moved to the sandbox, as it's not really hobby related.

On the other hand: if you are receiving abusive PMs, use the RTM button and the staff will address it.

If it's just email, then just trash it and move on.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
This is like pouring fuel and a burning fire. Ignore it and move on. He is not worth your energy.
Offer to pray for him and help him redeem his soul for $200 hour.

That method seems to works for the televangelists types.
Just have him explain the song quoted in my sig. I studied religion in college for my own knowledge..... I should have spent more time chasing girls is my conclusion.
You can send him my email...I love religious nuts! They are so much fun to get riled up!
You can send him my email...I love religious nuts! They are so much fun to get riled up! Originally Posted by BDS
BDS - your (avatar) tummy looks very damn kissable.... (I have no idea why that had to spring out of a religious nutcase thread but what the hell).

awww thank you...you are tooo sweet
omakase's Avatar
I agree with the guy. It's a cardinal sin not to show off those wonderful tatas.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Has anyone girls or guys had deal with an insane lunatic christian nutcase?? I have this one ol fucker keeps on emailing me harassing me about religious bs. And this is the guy who would get overnighters with me!! I hate hypocrites!! Originally Posted by kiki2012
I wouldn't mind if Jimmy Swaggart emailed me
Quite simple. If he spent enough time with you (overnights) he connected with you at some level (personality and sexually)and thinks you'd make good wife material if only you were not in the sex industry. Remember what a hypocrite is. It's someone who is telling you not to do something WHILE STILL DOING IT themselves. Is he still hobbying? Then he's a hypocrite. If not, he's someone who would wishes you would leave the sex industry so he can be with you. EVERY single Christian person I know has an person they've had a crush on that they wished went to church but didn't. It's not really strange at all. He really just needs to let you know he's available for you to talk to if you ever want to leave the industry and leave it at that and move on.
vixstudios's Avatar
ughh.. my sister use to guilt me into going to her weekly magic shows, gross!