Making a Murderer

Anyone watch it?
bored@home's Avatar
Episode 1...wavering if I care to continue. I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks with small town law so not to full of surprises so far.
Knight2554's Avatar
Bingeing now. Really interesting, but definitely slanted. Reminds me of the serial podcast.
Lee_Lucas's Avatar
I thought it was interesting.
Hélène Stone's Avatar
I marathoned the first season of Serial and immediately started watching Making a Murderer. I do admit, I find it quite a bit less intriguing than I found the first season of Serial. It hasn't drawn me in quite yet. I think I'll pick it up again after I'm caught up with season 2 of Serial.
elcalifa's Avatar
Eh, not interested after episode 3. This guy would be locked up regardless of the wrongful conviction. Gave up.
Azzbakwerdz's Avatar
Watched episode 1, grew up in east Texas, so an out of control rural sherriff's office isn't new at all, that being said the story is interesting especially considering the players involved and their motivations. What really bothered me was the state supreme Court held no law officials responsible for anything at all, even with the investigators testimony and evidence of wrong doing and prejudice all over the case.
I haven't watched past that so I can't speak as to the rest, but I plan on watching the rest of it.
What that show taught me was that elected officials are dirt bags. I always thought DA's were heartless people, but that showed confirmed it.

The cops I know were the ones that where picked on back in the day and now that they have a badge they are huge pricks.

Every cop has a price.
Azzbakwerdz's Avatar
One of my best buddies, well used to be best buddy, is a Dallas cop, the stories he has told me, and your right, all of them have a price of some sort. They are human, and humans have failures, most of us just try and keep our failures from consuming us, some simply don't have that ability. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, small town sherriff = power.
My sons SO and I were talking about that very thing this evening, he is one of those people that fail to think, "what's the worst that can happen if I go thru with this", he just rolls with it consequences be damned. Some people just aren't capable of rationally thinking something thru, cops or elected officials are no different, and most don't belong in the position they hold.I work with some dumb ass people in a serious field, amazes me how they function at all outside work if they fuck up as much at home.
Interesting topic and even more so once you start digging into it.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I've seen the whole a few times LOL

I put it on sometimes when I'm bored, and just let it play while I work.

It's completely believable, imo, also being from a small, rural area where literally NOTHING interesting happens for LE, they just spend time writing speeding tickets and harassing people.

At the very least, you could say there's an abundance of doubt based on what's covered in the film. And, a lot of hack bloggers/"journalists" have written about how they didn't cover this ....or that...., but I've seen what they claim wasn't included and it doesn't really seem convincing. Dude's got the biggest civil claim in history if he ever gets out, tho

It's incredibly similar to the "WM3" case those guys were released on a few years ago, too. Kinda slow getting started but after about 3 or 4 I was hooked lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-23-2016, 05:30 AM
I watched it. Those defense attorneys could sell me sand in a desert.
I would start doubting certain things and they would talk and I would be like DAMMIT they are so right.
Invisible1's Avatar
Very one sided and slanted. An enormous amount of info is left out on purpose by the producers to achieve the desired overall affect. He more likely than not did it. He should stay in prison. Its a show created for ratings. His lawyer is excellent and did his best with what he had to work with. The police and the investigation were corrupt in the small town. But, He is beyond a reasonable doubt a very sick, sociopath murderer with little feeling for human life beyond his own.
I binge watched it as well but there was a Kurt Cobain special that followed (since you watched this) deal and that was way more in trudging and more police corruption and cover up in the hour show versus making a murderer