I really debated doing this, but it seems I am out of options, so I'll let the chips fall where they may.

Grace Preston's Avatar
I am in a real bind. (Commence eye-rolling, lol)

Had a situation early this week (feel free to ask me via PM, I'm not putting it public as it would identify me) that put me a bit behind.

I figured, no big deal-- run a special, get things handled. Things were proceeding along ok. Not where I really needed to be, but was looking like it would get handled in time.

Then, this morning... mother nature threw a big FUCK YOU at me. Yeah, you can guess what that means. So, I of course gave my scheduled gents a choice in either having a limited menu session or rescheduling. Both opted to reschedule.

Now the dilemma-- I have to have $450 in my hand by 4PM today. If you would like to know the precise reason, please PM me-- I'm not comfortable with it being in the open.

I have an ad up now offering limited service specials. I'm more than happy to work for the money, make a deal for the money, whatever. It is just something that I have to come up with, and I have to have it done today.

Yeah-- those of you who know me, know I hate this. It is NOT my thing. But, I don't have any family resources to turn to, leaving me without a lot of options.

Help a girl out if you wish. I'd be most appreciative.
This took guts, I truly hope your PM box is blowing up! I hope all those guys who have been hoping to see you see this and help you solve your situation. Good luck.

If I was in Dallas today, I'd happily help by challenging you to that Chocolate pudding wrestling match mentioned in a previous post.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Mmmm... chocolate wrastlin....
Mmm Preston pudding...
Grace Preston's Avatar
planojim's Avatar
I'll give you credit Grace! At least you're willing to work for it! Kudos...and good luck girl!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Thanks. Yeah, I don't mind working for it at all.. I'm just running short on time more than anything.
Just noticed your 2 for 1 deal. That's a really good deal!