Proper Response

Fast Gunn's Avatar
So, ladies say that you receive a courteous and apparently earnest PM from a gentleman who wishes to see you soon.

How do you respond to his inquiry and how long does it take to do it?

Just give me a gist of exactly what you say and how long it takes you to respond.

. . . Believe me, the stage has only been set, but now, how and when you respond largely determines the outcome.

Wakeup's Avatar
So how long have you been waiting for a response? Did you call her any bad words in your PM?
How do you respond to his inquiry and how long does it take to do it?

Just give me a gist of exactly what you say and how long it takes you to respond.
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Like every email is different, every reply would be different. It can take anywhere from an hour to a week to receive a reply from me. If I'm not working, I don't read emails.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Personally, I believe that some thought should be put into the content and delivery.

I do not think girls are always aware of that or choose to ignore it if they do.

By the time a guy has decided that you are the one, he has put a lot of thought into the decision. The fantasy is just beginning for him and it can be easily stomped out.

Getting an obviously canned response can be such a splash of cold water that it kills the desire dead in its tracks.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-21-2013, 06:41 PM
So, ladies say that you receive a courteous and apparently earnest PM from a gentleman who wishes to see you soon.

How do you respond to his inquiry and how long does it take to do it?

Just give me a gist of exactly what you say and how long it takes you to respond.

. . . Believe me, the stage has only been set, but now, how and when you respond largely determines the outcome.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
While I agree How and When the reply comes is very important, but you leave out far too much info really answer.

--How soon is "soon"? In an hour? A day? Later this week?
--Did he include his references? Are they on P411, etc, or ladies' e-mails? How easy are they to reach if she has to reach them? How quickly do they reply?
--Did you seem to read her web site, or are you in the "junk mail" pile? (I.e. did you ask for a half hour and she has a clear minimum of 2 hrs on a first date, or you touch upon topics she clearly says "don't bring up", or you want to see her in DFW but she's in Chicago).
--What else is going on in her schedule? Is she occupied on (or getting ready for) a date already? Is it 3 AM? Is she working at her day job? Is she busy with her kids?

Lots of variables based youn what the guy wrote, and what her life is like.
RedLeg505's Avatar

I do not think girls are always aware of that or choose to ignore it if they do.

By the time a guy has decided that you are the one, he has put a lot of thought into the decision. The fantasy is just beginning for him and it can be easily stomped out.

Getting an obviously canned response can be such a splash of cold water that it kills the desire dead in its tracks.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Glad to see someone else bring this up. Its been an annoyance of mine. I'm actually surprised how many Providers I've contacted via PM or who never responded at all. In a couple of cases, they responded a week later and I had to tell them "Sorry, but when you didn't reply, I chose another provider who did respond immediately".

Plus, the no replies/late replies have been moved down to the bottom of the list. Maybe in a few years after I've seen all the other providers, I might contact them again. MAYBE.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-21-2013, 06:48 PM
Personally, I believe that some thought should be put into the content and delivery.

I do not think girls are always aware of that or choose to ignore it if they do.

By the time a guy has decided that you are the one, he has put a lot of thought into the decision. The fantasy is just beginning for him and it can be easily stomped out.

Getting an obviously canned response can be such a splash of cold water that it kills the desire dead in its tracks.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Agree with your points here. I don't send canned e-mails, and I prefer one that shows me her personality. But those crafted e-mails take time, and therefore should not be expected 10 min after you write.

And I will tell you the number of guys who write tailored e-mails that show they have done their research about her are far outnumbered by those that essentially sound like:

"Hey you, you got some hot pictures. I want to see you at 4 PM for 30 minutes. [ED note: it's 3:40 when he writes it], You give a good discount for a fine stud like me?"

I can't count how often a lady's first reply to my request is, "Wow! You can actually write a whole sentence, AND you read my web site!"
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is actually a lot of information given in a lady's response and timing to a booking request if you know how to break it down.

If you only get a canned list of requirements sent a day late from her, it tells you that the provider is probably high volume and you're just another number.

If the response at least appears tailored to you and sent quickly then you may be on the right track.

Ladies, put a little thought into your response and reply promptly for better business success. If you are going to say yes quickly then you need to follow through or you're going to lose customers. Lame excuses are always lame and the first encounter sets the tone for the visits to follow or kill it dead right then and there.

. . .Remember that we can read between the lines!
bladtinzu's Avatar
Personally, I believe that some thought should be put into the content and delivery. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

The FG way of contact is as follows...

Look bitch. I find you fuckable and want to see you tomorrow at 2 pm. So your whore ass better set it up or deal with my retarded fit of rage if you don't

Works good there for ya doesn't it FG??
inctown's Avatar
Glad to see someone else bring this up. Its been an annoyance of mine. I'm actually surprised how many Providers I've contacted via PM or who never responded at all. In a couple of cases, they responded a week later and I had to tell them "Sorry, but when you didn't reply, I chose another provider who did respond immediately".

Plus, the no replies/late replies have been moved down to the bottom of the list. Maybe in a few years after I've seen all the other providers, I might contact them again. MAYBE. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Well said. Often time if I get a child shoulder if s reply I move the lady to my no flight list
SofaKingFun's Avatar
So, ladies say that you receive a courteous and apparently earnest PM from a gentleman who wishes to see you soon.

How do you respond to his inquiry and how long does it take to do it?

Just give me a gist of exactly what you say and how long it takes you to respond.

. . . Believe me, the stage has only been set, but now, how and when you respond largely determines the outcome.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Why does it matter to you how a provider responds to an inquiry sent by someone else?

If you have to post a thread asking how ladies respond to your inquiry, then I don't understand how any reply is going to help you. You already know how they replied, and if they didn't, well, there's a clue-and-a-half for your ass; If you're too dense to understand that you've just been ignored, that means that they don't care to reply- ergo; they don't want to see you.

Jesus Christ man. It ain't bottle rocket surgery. Quit being such a fucking tool and maybe the gals might actually reply.



Fast Gunn's Avatar
If you would speak only when you had something of value to contribute, the quality of this board would rise up dramatically.

. . . But then, I suppose that would be like asking a jackass not to bray!

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
There is actually a lot of information given in a lady's response and timing to a booking request if you know how to break it down.

If you only get a canned list of requirements sent a day late from her, it tells you that the provider is probably high volume and you're just another number.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I disagree.... SOMETIMES there is a lot of information if you happen to know for a fact how each lady operates (which by most accounts you are certain to have almost no idea)..... Keep in mind this is NOT or any other dating site..... many of these ladies have RL jobs that are not hobby related.... many of these women have very busy lives outside of this hobby just as many of the hobbyist do.... and even still, some ladies are not the ones who are controlling the PMs/responses here (see managers, booking assistants, etc....) so the warm, loving, anticipating the meeting of you could in fact be from a person you will never see even if you see the lady you are inquiring about...... I talked to "Bob" over at AT&T Customer support the other day.... He's in Houston...... and he's REALLY excited to talk to me..... chances are CERTAIN his name wasn't "Bob".... he's halfway around the world from Houston, and other than trying to keep his job, couldn't care less about me....... but the "good" Service Rep Management team thinks I want to hear he's here and he does care about me.... Pretty much the same here...... Think about that for a second, and you should change your mind on that statement......
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-22-2013, 06:39 PM
Again you are over analyzing the situation. Your problem is you make things more difficult for yourself.

If you would speak only when you had something of value to contribute, the quality of this board would rise up dramatically.

. . . But then, I suppose that would be like asking a jackass not to bray!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Look at the pot call the kettle black... =4 =2 =5 =8 14

Your hypocrisy continues to impress.
Wakeup's Avatar
Look bitch. I find you fuckable and want to see you tomorrow at 2 pm. So your whore ass better set it up or deal with my retarded fit of rage if you don't Originally Posted by bladtinzu
"retarded fit of rage"


P.S.-GIS for "retarded fit of rage"