Your Bejamin's have stripes!!

The new $100 bills include security features designed to thwart counterfeiters.

They still feature Franklin, one of only two people on a US bank note who was never president of the country. (He was many other things, among them an author, scientist, diplomat, politician, composer, inventor, and newspaper editor; the only profession he chose to list on his epitaph was, fittingly enough, “printer.”)

Franklin’s collar is now festooned with “The United States of America” in tiny lettering, and another, ghostly visage of him appears when the bill is held up to light.

Nearly 80% of all US currency is denominated in $100 bills. There were more than 820 million Ben Franklins out in the world at the end of last year, making it the most popular bank note, by value, among the world’s major currencies. (Here are the circulation figures for the euro; the €50 note is the currency’s most popular by quantity and value.

A large portion of hundreds are held outside the United States, often shipped abroad by the Fed in pallets worth $64 million each , though the exact percentage is a matter of debate. The bills are popular among traffickers of drugs and weapons and are also used in unstable economies as a reliable store of value.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I just read about the new design for $100 bills today in the WSJ which are due out Oct 8th.

Personally, I think the new design is great and I like it, but it seems that a lot of people don't.

. . . The fact is that criminals will never stop trying to counterfeit money and the government needs to keep one jump ahead of them. Washing the ink off a one dollar bill in acid to serve as a more legitimate canvass for a hundred dollar bill is still a favorite trick!

Better buy us a marker.. what a buzz kill!
er48665's Avatar
I'm about to make it rain with new hundred dollar bills.