Not Just CL under attack

mssassy's Avatar
Ok I normall dont post but this is crazy. Whether you post on craigslist, backpage, eccie, p411 etc... Its still a choice by everyone involved. There is far more of a risk to get murdered , hit by an idiot driving , getting robbed , a parent molesting or a child care giver molesting a child, for more of a risk of a significent other beating their wife or girlfriend (we are one of the top state for DV in the US )then there is an escort getting hurt . I am not saying it doesnt happen but these people are making way too much of this just because its election season etc

So sorry if this offends everyone but here is my thought process:
To you Mr AG judgs, and members of LE Please I beg of you instead of wasting tax payer dollar on busting prostitution USE THAT MONEY TO STOP THE DRUGS, STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (TRAIN YOUR OFFICERS BETTER TO DEAL WITH DV INSTEAD OF BLAMING THE VICTIM . I CAN PERSONALLY TELL OF AT LEAST TWO OCCURENCES THAT LE BLAMED THE VICTIM AND NOT THE IDIOT DOING THE HITTING. ) SPend money on training your offices to deal with child abuse ....

No Im not trying to cause drama but I cant tell you how many times victims le has let get hit time and time again because the officers will buddy up to the guy hitting. How many children are abused and the "right people" get called out and still ignore the signs because there isnt enough evidence to suport it.
If I thought enough people would sign, I would do a statistical analysis and a cost benefit analysis then attach it to a state-wide on-line petition. Then I would have my cousin present it to the state legislature. If anyone is interested please respond here with "I'll sign". At 50, I'll go to work on it because I believe 50 of us could get 30 people each to sign and there's our 1500. I'll sign! We can call it "Get Your Priorities Straight" and start a nationwide trend. I think a comparative budget example and a court revenue vs. tax revenues with requests for where the funds go should be secondary. Of course we wouldn't put a primary focus on the hobby but include it in the list of "unnecessary priorities". So feel free to add suggestions to that list such as foot patrol vs. all the new cop cars. We can use the NY and Portland models as example.
mssassy's Avatar
count me in
...and have you ever reported a burglary at your residence? Most departments don't even send out an officer any more - they just have a clerk take the report over the phone and send you a blank inventory to list the stolen items for your insurance company...


mssassy's Avatar
i know a girl who got beat she was bleeding the guy she was with was drunk and the officer came out , went inside talked to the guy and then came out and told the girl she had to leave, that it was her fault. That happens alot. The officer didnt arrest the guy .He was on parole for domestic violence and they did nothing though they should have arrested him... Safe Places in Little Rock saw 23 sexual abuse of minor children in one month alone thats not including how many the other agencies saw. So why is LE so focused on this and not on saving those who are being abused? Why arent they out arresting the men who beat they wives , girlfriends and children? Why are they using federal dollars for this when it needs to go to saving children and other victims of violent crimes?
mssassy's Avatar
sorry I tend to get on a bit of a soap box when it comes to things that are not fair and that are wrong
MacTheKnife's Avatar

Thanks for the info.

Btw, you look very familiar. I tend to remember someone's eyes.

Oh, Mr. Mac you are card.
mssassy's Avatar
Mac such a bad bad pic lol you havent seen the new ones yet I must remember to delete delete bad fat old pics not good for image to have those about .

I have attached a brand new one for you to see. Hopefully it doesnt remind you lol but makes you wonder

But in any case I would have never posted but this is so outrageous. LE has to find something better off to do but all well this will pass as soon as those who want to get elected get elected and it shall return to the norm .
mssassy's Avatar
i should point out the topic is le and the ags office and the current stings and not my pics . Also a word to the wise if you havent already passcoded your voicemail it might be wise to do so. Dont forget all manfucters have one generic code to their phones aka ex the blackberry all of then have one generic code used to access voicemail (for set up purposes )and the codes are public information. Its good to have a personal code set up that only you know that you have to enter each time when entering your voicemail.