Good place to visit in Texas?

Well I'm deciding to take a tour somewhere in Texas for the New Years. Deciding to go from the dates of:
Saturday, December 27 - Saturday, January 3.
Deciding between the following cities:
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I'm currently located in BORING San Antonio
But anyways, I'm from California so to end the year in Texas should be fun! Just haven't decided where...
Any suggestions?
Please PM if you would see me if I entered your city!
CarlyKay's Avatar
You should definitely try Austin!
I hope you enjoy your stay in Texas
Happy Holidays & Stay Safe hun!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
pickupkid's Avatar
We love our city
Brazos's Avatar
I went to Houston once.
From what I have been told by my touring ladies - Austin would be my first recommendation, then Houston. DFW has a lot of competition and a couple of my regular ladies that live there do not even work there because of LE concerns, but I think a lot of that comes out of some personal bad experience that they had - there are clearly lots of ladies still working in DFW. However, my general impression (based on nothing scientific) is that Forth Worth may be the better half of the DFW to hit up from a providers perspective just because there is less competition there than in Dallas - but I stand to be corrected by folks that are actually in that area. I don't personall know squat about the other areas so, even though I am a lawyer, I will break with my profession's tradition and not speak about something that I know nothing about.
DallasRain's Avatar
all good cities

get involved in the discussion boards for those cities and generate interest

'have fun
I would not tour Houston
You can travel anywhere in Texas - or the whole country - but to make a profitable trip, its best to put out some "feeler" ads before you go. Don't make a blank trip!

Visit cities where you have evoked the most interest, if not, the most pre-bookings. Even though pre-bookings don't guarantee appointments, its best to visit a city where clients have shown some interest!

Otherwise, if you dance on the side, touring Texas and hitting up the strip clubs are a whole lot of fun! I've toured many cities in Texas just to work the pole, and of course, travel, relax, and enjoy.

Hope this helps - Have fun and Happy Holidays!
Thank You all for the responses!

I might just take a trip to Austin!
Recapacitar's Avatar
Texas is an awesome place! I love it. Austin, Galveston, San Antonio rock on!

I've got to head down to Schliterbaum next summer!

But if you can manage it, we'd love to have you in St. Louis, MO.

Take Southwest from Houston and you'll be here in no time and

the St. Louis guys will definitely take care of you. We love hotties like

Hey fellas my name is Suga mama I'm 5'0 and I'm looking for some enjoyable time if u think u can help me out with that give me a call 469'334'9101
Hey fellas my name is Suga mama I'm 5'0 and I'm looking for some enjoyable time if u think u can help me out with that give me a call 469'334'9101 Originally Posted by Sugar_mama

Really Sugar_mama!!!!
guy fawkes's Avatar

From what I have been told by my touring ladies - Austin would be my first recommendation