VIDEOS / Daily Shot

5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-16-2015, 08:17 AM
I recently had the opportunity to see several of the girls here on video as opposed to static pictures. I thought it was great! In fact, several of the girls didn't even make my list based on pictures. But, once I was able to see them and get a feel for their "personality" --- my list changed. In fact, several of the ladies went form not even being considered to the top of my list. Also, LIVE video is even better, because it gives you a look at their personality AND it answers that oft asked question, "is she real and are her pictures a true reflection for how she looks now". Also, in an attempt to answer that same question (what does she really look like now), I would incorporate a daily shot feature for providers. Then, give an incentive to providers that upload a weekly selfie shot from a phone. So:
1) I would hope pre-shot videos could be made part of the showcases.
2) I would love to see a live video option in chat for the girls / providers.
3) I would also like to see a Weekly selfie feature (not so much added but encouraged by Eccie).

the important thing with 3 is to find a way to prevent someone from uploading old photos or old selfies, because the idea is to have just one picture in every profile that is a week old or less ~~~ but I leave the execution to the brain trust. Opinions?
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
weekly selfies are nice but a very unrealistic expectation. No one has that kind of time. When was the last time you updated your facebook picture?
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-16-2015, 01:42 PM
OK so maybe weekly isn't the time frame ... maybe it's monthly ... and if there was a bonus of some kind ... higher search ranking, more information on the profile, whatever ... maybe they would "find the time". If these girls are anything like the females in my life --- they are already posting AT LEAST a picture a day some where, so I am not sure I buy the it's too hard argument.
Ok, I REALLY like your #2 idea in particular... I think you are on to something in general here, though...
ben dover's Avatar
Ya know I offer video along with photography and in this area there is ZERO interest in either. The girls here don't have any competition so there images are a joke. Most BP ads have as good images as the so called VP's have in their showcases. BD
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-17-2015, 07:52 PM
Ya know I offer video along with photography and in this area there is ZERO interest in either. The girls here don't have any competition so there images are a joke. Most BP ads have as good images as the so called VP's have in their showcases. BD Originally Posted by ben dover
What are the asking prices of said Photo's and videos? Don't worry if there is trade involved really just care about the relative cash equivalents for the services. I am thinking it may be more a money thing than lack of desire for video services.
ben dover's Avatar
I offer trade or cash and it's usually the value of an hour of their time. So I bring lights, reflectors camera etc to their incall, or bring them to my studio, shoot for at least 2 hours but usually 3 with multiple wardrobe changes. I give them a disc of all the images, they pick their favorites, I edit, crop, watermark and size for the web and get the images to them. They end up with around 50-60 images to rotate through their various ad sites. I have thousands invested in equipment and around 10-12 hours time between the shoot and editing. Add video and my time investment goes up another 2-3 hours.

Now that being said it's not just my's just easier to not bother when the phone is ringing off the hook anyway. The local area has ZERO real competition for the locals. Most guys here drool over badly composed, poorly lit, out of focus, noisy images just to try to be in good graces with these girls.

A word about what I edit... I never change the girls appearance, i'll do simple touch ups, cover a zit, blur the face or tattoos if wanted.

If you look at the Texas boards most the showcases there are 100% better than anything around here. ...BD
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-19-2015, 12:20 PM
glad you got your ad in. ( I hope the ladies take you up on your offer)

But, what I was really looking for was exactly how much more a lady is expected to pay to ADD a video to the photo sessions that in your opinion are bargain priced. That way I can come to my own conclusion as to whether it is "the cost of your videos" or as you are included to opine that there is truly "no interest" in videos. While in your experience, I am sure there is little demand for video. I can easily see the providers thought process running along the lines of "saving money" rather then not having a desire for videos.

In Fact, I would bet good money that if 2 photographers offered the exact same offer as you do ... the only difference being that Photographer 1 adds a free video that photographer 2 doesn't. P1 would get the business and P2 would starve.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Most use pics from 10 years ago and they would lose business
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-30-2015, 10:48 AM
I hear you. But, I don't think they would "lose business" in the long run, I think what would happen by being current with photos is that the guys that show up would be looking for "exactly" what this girl had to offer, rather than being mislead by pictures of an 18 year old provider and showing up to find she is now 30 and built differently and looks differently which leads to a less than satisfying experience and less than stellar reviews and very little repeat business.

I have spent 25 years in marketing and I have learned one thing. There are 20 Air Conditioning companies in every city and each one is in business because they have a unique mix of benefits that appeal to their clients. And the WORST thing you can do is to try and be something that you are not. You advertise what you are and you let the clients that desire that come to you and be satisfied.

Classic example: Top Dog Heat and Air was the best in town, highest prices but the best service. They often had a 24 hour wait just to get to you. They ran 10 trucks that were pristine brand new, state of the art, gorgeously wrapped, fully stocked for every service call, master pieces. Their techs were dressed in what looked like dress slacks and button downs with extra changes in the truck in case they got dirty during the day. They had commercial vacuums and a steam cleaner built into the truck. They put hospital booties on their feet before entering your house. And would leave the house cleaner when they left, then when they got there. Before they rolled out to your house they knew what AC unit you had and had a replacement unit on their truck just in case. Their operators called you every hour or more to give you an update on where the tech was and when they could be expected. It was a $150 service call that came off the final bill ... $250 on nights, weekends and holidays. Joe Bob's Air was a small 3 truck operation, Joe Bob and his two son's. They each drove a rusty white pickup with plastic stenciled black letters on the side of the door each was missing a letter of two. Joe Bob wore a dirty white button down with butt crack Dickey blue work pants and his sons wore Joe Bob's T-shirts with their dirty blue jeans and open-laced combat boots. The phone was answered by Joe Bob or it rolled or to a poorly recorded "leave a message" message.

So one day Joe Bob calls me in and says I need to increase my budget $40,000 and redo all my ads for the next 3 months. I want to target Top Dog and run ads directly at him because he just lost 3 of his guys who left to start their own AC service. So, we did. We ran ads that made this guy look and sound like he was now top dog ... a fancy jingle, same day service, better prices ... in the end he did get some of the emergency calls that Top Dog couldn't field ... most of them never called back after the first call, some of them got on line and complained about the "poor service quality and over pricing" (still half of what top dog charged), others had to be deeply discounted because of their frustration dealing with Joe Bob and his sons messiness, and having to run off to get parts leaving a mess for hours at a time, and frustration about trying to get through to someone to find out when they were going to finish the job. Because of the ads we ran, people expected Joe Bob to be like Top Dog ... he wasn't ... he never will be. And, that's OK. Joe Bob will never be able to steal one of Top Dog's clients and Top Dog will never be able to please a Joe Bob customer either. Like most providers, Joe Bob's mistake was deciding which clients he wanted and then pretending to be what he thought would attract them. And he failed. Joe Bob really had 2 choices here: 1) invest the money, time and effort to compete with Top Dog on every levels and then attract those clients and actually have a chance to keep them, or 2) be really honest about who he is and communicate that honestly to the public, and get clients that come to him, because they like exactly what he offers. And, those clients would stay and be loyal.

the game is ALWAYS the same and the CHOICES are always the same whether you a willing to admit it or not --- either invest the time, effort and money to be able to appeal to the type of customer that you want to attract OR be honest with yourself and your potential clients and attract the clients to whom you appeal. In marketing, honesty is always the best policy, but it all starts with being honest with yourself.