Regrets, I've had a few;

profs2020's Avatar
I have had a few regrets in the hobby. I've been cheated a few times, had some bad experiences, got stood up a lot of times. But on the whole, it's been good for me. Some of the most honest relationships I've had have been in the hobby; we both knew where we stood and our working relationship was, what it was. I saw a favorite every week for 4 years and it great. There were times when I fantasized about "What if we did get together..." But it was just that, a fantasy. There are times when it's bad and I think "Why am I doing this?" And then there are amazing times when I click with someone and we have an ethereal moment. I can't put my finger on what it is, it's a gossamer thing, an effervescent shadow that evaporates as soon as it appears. But it's those small super novas of joy that make it so worthwhile. Those moments are so brief but so resilient, so sustaining.

I am thankful for the hobby and for the ladies in the hobby. Sure, there are some bad people in the hobby; damaged people that are trying to hurt other people. And again, I never lose sight of what this all about; money for time. But if everyone gets something they want, how can that be bad? They get money and I get time with them. It's a trade, the most basic and pure form of commerce.

It's not perfect. But I'm glad the to be a part of it.
Best damn thread I've read all month! Cheers!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I have had a few regrets in the hobby. I've been cheated a few times, had some bad experiences, got stood up a lot of times. But on the whole, it's been good for me. Some of the most honest relationships I've had have been in the hobby; we both knew where we stood and our working relationship was, what it was. I saw a favorite every week for 4 years and it great. There were times when I fantasized about "What if we did get together..." But it was just that, a fantasy. There are times when it's bad and I think "Why am I doing this?" And then there are amazing times when I click with someone and we have an ethereal moment. I can't put my finger on what it is, it's a gossamer thing, an effervescent shadow that evaporates as soon as it appears. But it's those small super novas of joy that make it so worthwhile. Those moments are so brief but so resilient, so sustaining.

I am thankful for the hobby and for the ladies in the hobby. Sure, there are some bad people in the hobby; damaged people that are trying to hurt other people. And again, I never lose sight of what this all about; money for time. But if everyone gets something they want, how can that be bad? They get money and I get time with them. It's a trade, the most basic and pure form of commerce.

It's not perfect. But I'm glad the to be a part of it. Originally Posted by profs2020
I have had a few regrets in the hobby. I've been cheated a few times, had some bad experiences, got stood up a lot of times. But on the whole, it's been good for me. Some of the most honest relationships I've had have been in the hobby; we both knew where we stood and our working relationship was, what it was. I saw a favorite every week for 4 years and it great. There were times when I fantasized about "What if we did get together..." But it was just that, a fantasy. There are times when it's bad and I think "Why am I doing this?" And then there are amazing times when I click with someone and we have an ethereal moment. I can't put my finger on what it is, it's a gossamer thing, an effervescent shadow that evaporates as soon as it appears. But it's those small super novas of joy that make it so worthwhile. Those moments are so brief but so resilient, so sustaining.

I am thankful for the hobby and for the ladies in the hobby. Sure, there are some bad people in the hobby; damaged people that are trying to hurt other people. And again, I never lose sight of what this all about; money for time. But if everyone gets something they want, how can that be bad? They get money and I get time with them. It's a trade, the most basic and pure form of commerce.

It's not perfect. But I'm glad the to be a part of it. Originally Posted by profs2020
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I truly wish more people like you thought that way.