So which of you pervs....

nickjaguar's Avatar
were the one that tried to turn my co-worker into a sugar baby? She works part time at Mama Fu's and told me today about some creepy old guy that mentioned buying her groceries and gave her a business card with only a name and number on it. I busted up laughing because I recognized that as a tactic from the SB thread. She doesn't know of eccie as far as I know. She didn't know why I got such a kick out of it. Hey Andy Kripe.
Whispers's Avatar
were the one that tried to turn my co-worker into a sugar baby? She works part time at Mama Fu's and told me today about some creepy old guy that mentioned buying her groceries and gave her a business card with only a name and number on it. I busted up laughing because I recognized that as a tactic from the SB thread. She doesn't know of eccie as far as I know. She didn't know why I got such a kick out of it. Hey ********. Originally Posted by nickjaguar
That's kinda shitty don't ya think?

Ya call a guy out by a name that might be his for what reason?

And you tell us that a part timer at Mama Fu's works with ya at your day job? Ya better hope he ISN'T a member here and doesn't read this as he may revisit her and tell her about ECCIE and how she can meet you here if she joins up....

What is it that bugged you? That he had the balls to take a shot at her? Maybe she is considering it?

If nothing else you probably sent some business Mama Fu's way
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mama Fu's? Is thet one o' them shady AMP's ol' Treetops sez is a-hooman traffickin'?
Samcro84's Avatar
Damn I agree with Whispers. OP in a way outed her. Some might be able to connect the dots. How many guys on here may now go to Spa to see if they can determine who she is. Could be customers or vendors or friends.

I know it is a stretch but I would not have done it.

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
So he was "old & creepy" and presumably cheap ("buy groceries"). Was he also extremely long-winded and morbidly obese?

Gives new meaning to the saying "For Cripe's sake!"
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-16-2017, 11:46 AM
Yeah, I actually agree with Whispers for once. Calling a guy out buy a name that might be his is BS.
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 06-16-2017, 11:57 AM
Damn I agree with Whispers. OP in a way outed her. Some might be able to connect the dots. How many guys on here may now go to Spa to see if they can determine who she is. Could be customers or vendors or friends.

I know it is a stretch but I would not have done it.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84
There are like 8 Mama Fu's in Austin.

Though I'm not even sure why guys would be interested in trying to track down a chick that somebody tried to convert to a sugar baby. Go to just about any restaurant and you will find attractive waitresses.
Co-ed probably wasn't the place for this one
Samcro84's Avatar
Gamer we don't think like the guy we are talking about.

Agree with Eryn.
