Jobless rate hits 49 yr. low!!

The MSM will not be reporting this...all the challengers will have a lot of spinning to do.
At this rate the left will go into overdrive with rage...the hammer is about to fall on Hellery and Obummer...this is their worst nightmare come to life!!
Speed, keep us up to date on the polls...we're counting on you.
Meh...what's the Big Deal, so sez the Faithful Disciples of Obummer???

C'mon, this is nothing more than the (continued) results of The Obama Economic Recovery Plan....dontcha know, people?

How DARE the MAGA Trumpers give the DJT Administration even a glimmer....a glint....a sliver.....of credit for this continued trend??? Blasphemy!

These remarkable April numbers were buoyed on the anticipation that The Closet Muzzie's VP for those 8 Glorious Years was going to throw his hat in the ring last month. And that he did.

With every "Folks here" and "Folks there" uttered from the golden-throated Creepy ol' Joe, an American (or illegal alien, what have you...) was pulled from the quagmire of unemployment into the work force...a workforce that can thank Barry for creating. Hallelujah and pass the bicuits.

The ripple effect of the Odummer Economic Tsunami is alive and well and will continue to live spite of the fact Dindu Hussein Nuffin left office over 800 days ago....

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah the Lame stream media will not give any credit to big -T ,,,, it must be leftover Odumboo
The ripple effect of the Odummer Economic Tsunami is alive and well and will continue to live spite of the fact Dindu Hussein Nuffin left office over 800 days ago.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Hey, Obama obviously passed along that "magic wand" that would be needed to make all this happen.
Hey, Obama obviously passed along that "magic wand" that would be needed to make all this happen. Originally Posted by eccielover
Magic Wand, huh?

So was / is Odum-dum a wizard...?

….a magical mouse?

….or simply a Fairy?

Hotrod511's Avatar
Magic Wand, huh?

So was / is Odum-dum a wizard...?

….a magical mouse?

….or simply a Fairy?

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I vote he was a gay fairy
Tinker Bell wasn't gay
Should help Trump's reelection chances if it holds up.
I'd like to see the up-to-date number(s) {ie: since the Trump Economy was kick started} per "How Many of these Newly Created Jobs" include those who are no longer on the taxpayers' nickel?

And do the Obama Faithful ALSO want to take credit for them, as well? (as in Barry's Economy was the one who put them on welfare OR kept them there in the first place??)
LexusLover's Avatar spite of the fact Dindu Hussein Nuffin left office over 800 days ago....

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Obaminable: "What the fuck are those things?"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
My god, this winning has to stop. I can't take it anymore and I forgot the safe word.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Meh...what's the Big Deal, so sez the Faithful Disciples of Obummer???

C'mon, this is nothing more than the (continued) results of The Obama Economic Recovery Plan....dontcha know, people?

How DARE the MAGA Trumpers give the DJT Administration even a glimmer....a glint....a sliver.....of credit for this continued trend??? Blasphemy!

These remarkable April numbers were buoyed on the anticipation that The Closet Muzzie's VP for those 8 Glorious Years was going to throw his hat in the ring last month. And that he did.

With every "Folks here" and "Folks there" uttered from the golden-throated Creepy ol' Joe, an American (or illegal alien, what have you...) was pulled from the quagmire of unemployment into the work force...a workforce that can thank Barry for creating. Hallelujah and pass the bicuits.

The ripple effect of the Odummer Economic Tsunami is alive and well and will continue to live spite of the fact Dindu Hussein Nuffin left office over 800 days ago....

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Says the clown. This is funny shit!
Hey, Obama obviously passed along that "magic wand" that would be needed to make all this happen. Originally Posted by eccielover
Obama's "magic wand" was "free money." That ain't happening no more.

My god, this winning has to stop. I can't take it anymore and I forgot the safe word. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The safe word was "Russian collusion" but that ain't happening no more either.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama's "magic wand" was "free money." That ain't happening no more.

The safe word was "Russian collusion" but that ain't happening no more either. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You picked up on that...
The reason for the current booming economy is directly related to Obomo.

Not to knock Trump, but just about any conservative with a little power could have got this economy rolling. Obomo made it sooooo easy. All you had to do was unravel/reverse most, if not all, of the economic policies of the Obomo administration.

Obomo was/is completely worthless. Kind of goes along with at least half his heritage. (You know I had to throw that in there. HA)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The reason for the current booming economy is directly related to Obomo.

Not to knock Trump, but just about any conservative with a little power could have got this economy rolling. Obomo made it sooooo easy. All you had to do was unravel/reverse most, if not all, of the economic policies of the Obomo administration.

Obomo was/is completely worthless. Kind of goes along with at least half his heritage. (You know I had to throw that in there. HA) Originally Posted by Muscleup

"Trump is riding Obama's coattails!!" - themystic