New Polixy in San Angelo will it boom or fizzle?

I have always loved that little lake swimming area with the lttrle fake beach. They said they had it opened for Memorial day but have it closed for the 4th DAMN DAMN DAMN. I brought my float and everything. Hell I even brought my fishing pole! No fishing either? Who has a boat? Are they stopping you from taking your boat out?

The good news is they say they are still going to have the 4th fire works but everyone must remain in cars.. hmmmm not sure how that will be enforced? I can see it now hanging out the window no then on the side of the car to take a video oh the shot is better behind me now everyone is out side with phones pointing up ward now every ones out the car. We will see.

. I JUST CAN NOT BELIEVE in the day time when the sun is out and vitamin D is free for the getting they say no. Good thing I got a spot with a pool that is open YAY ME. I had to call 5 hotels to find one that is not closed.

The words are still ringing in my ears this will be in controll soon and by Easter we will be back to normal No Normal In Sight
Me not being able to make a grown up choice about where I lay my semi naked body to tan on a holiday sure doesnt feel right!