Ladies . . . Your Thoughts on "No" Reviews

Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 03-30-2014, 08:04 AM
Greetings all . . . my first post in here so bear with me. First off (as an aside) I'm Oafer. I know the handle may be confusing, but, think 3 syllables - O - A - fer. Having dispensed with that . . . on to the topic.

I've never done a "No" review. Have mostly had great experiences and I guess I come from being raised in the "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything" school. I've only had two or three encounters out of close to 100 that even made me think of doing so. So . . . .

I'm curious . . . when you vet us gentlemen . . . does seeing that we gave one or more NO reviews adjust your thinking? Does just one NO review make a difference? If every fourth review is negative . . . would that put you off? Do any of you say to yourself "He's got a NO review . . . I'd never see him."?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. From a guy's perspective I know we look for NO reviews when we consider who to spend time with. Some of us will look for the one NO review just to see why it's there in a sea of otherwise positive reviews. We are trying to give each other "useful" information to help guide decisions. Please share your perspectives. Much appreciated and have a splendid day.

Grace Preston's Avatar
To me.. it really depends on who and why.

If you give a "no" review to a lady that has a spotty history anyhow, I'm not even going to bat an eyelash at that.

If you have a no or two out of 40 plus reviews... I may try to figure out WHY the no was given, but other than that.. I see no issues.

If you have pages full of em, I'm likely going to avoid you. As Goldmember said "It seems there is no pleasing you". This could be exempted if I can see a pattern of going after BP girls with poor luck, but having some good reviews of ladies I know to be solid.

The bigger thing that I personally look for when it comes to reviews... is the type of girl a gent generally sees. If I see you have a list full of young spinners, the first thing I'm going to do is to remind you that I am a 36 year old who hasn't seen "spinner" size in 15 years. If I see a lot of mentioning of activities that I don't provide.. I'm going to make sure you are aware that those things are not on my menu.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 03-30-2014, 08:16 AM
The bigger thing that I personally look for when it comes to reviews... is the type of girl a gent generally sees. If I see you have a list full of young spinners, the first thing I'm going to do is to remind you that I am a 36 year old who hasn't seen "spinner" size in 15 years. Originally Posted by GracePreston
**loved it and many thanks for the feedback
In my heyday's of seeing 2-4 proivders a week I had many, many NO reccos.

but as soon as you put a NO review the Hooktard comes running to Coed to claim otherwise and blame it all on the guy.... It creates to much bullshit to put a 'No'
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-30-2014, 09:03 AM
In my heyday's of seeing 2-4 proivders a week I had many, many NO reccos.

but as soon as you put a NO review the Hooktard comes running to Coed to claim otherwise and blame it all on the guy.... It creates to much bullshit to put a 'No' Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
I have NO idea why eccie gives us only two ratings...should be on a 10 point scale.

I know one provider I've seen several times...all were good until the last one...and it was horrible. I wont go into any details, but to me the several previous great visits negated that last poor one. So I'm not going to blow her up over one bad time.

Not sure I'll go back though.
I have NO idea why eccie gives us only two ratings...should be on a 10 point scale... Originally Posted by Toyz
You can actually go back and edit that to say whatever you wish after you've posted your review.

OOOPS.....not a lady. Sorry, Oafer, didn't mean to post.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 03-30-2014, 09:23 AM
Thanks all . . . yes even you gender challenged guys . . . and a certain shark as well . . . for the thoughts. Like we all wish . . . keep them coming
Trees with Oafer on this and also zero "no" reviews.

Just one point: the opposite seems to be true. That is, if Bob Hobby has all YES reviews, particularly ones that are glowing, include pics and deets - - those are the ones that help Jane Provider get more business: makes her phone ring.

The point, posting solid YES reviews helps the provider and in turn helps Bob Hobby too.

The only "NO" came in the form of an Alert: the provider's accomplice broke into hotel room mid session and made attempted robbery. Too bad because she was kinda hot and would have gotten a YES but for criminal shenanigans.

Final point: if Bob Hobby does his research and picks well reviewed provider(s), chances that the session goes south fairly low. If the provider lied (posted appropriated photos or otherwise grossly mispresented herself), or fails to provide services or is downright rude or has demonstrable health issues, then maybe then a "NO" is deserved.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-30-2014, 10:17 AM
Trees with Oafer on this and also zero "no" reviews.

Just one point: the opposite seems to be true. That is, if Bob Hobby has all YES reviews, particularly ones that are glowing, include pics and deets - - those are the ones that help Jane Provider get more business: makes her phone ring.

The point, posting solid YES reviews helps the provider and in turn helps Bob Hobby too.

The only "NO" came in the form of an Alert: the provider's accomplice broke into hotel room mid session and made attempted robbery. Too bad because she was kinda hot and would have gotten a YES but for criminal shenanigans.

Final point: if Bob Hobby does his research and picks well reviewed provider(s), chances that the session goes south fairly low. If the provider lied (posted appropriated photos or otherwise grossly mispresented herself), or fails to provide services or is downright rude or has demonstrable health issues, then maybe then a "NO" is deserved.

19Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees

Oh leafy one, you used to point people for making negative comments about your girls...while I love what you bring & brought, your reviews are not chock full of perceived integrity IMO.
Centaur's Avatar
I see it this way. If I post a no review (and I had a handful back in ASPD days, all gone now along with all the others), there is a good chance I'm going to have to manage drama fallout, either in the form of direct contradiction from the provider or indirect retaliation I may never even find out about. What's my benefit for that cost? If I'm unsatisfied, I simply won't review the appointment.

This has nothing to do with rationalizations about saying nothing if you have nothing nice to say. As a general principle and corollary to the Golden Rule, that's great advice. But this is a service business, not a knitting circle. I'll pan a bad product on Amazon without worrying if I'm being rude to the merchant.

No, I simply see no benefit to assuming the burden that comes with posting no recommendations. And since I'm not going to see someone unless I can find reputable reviews on them (i.e. not one review by someone who's only written one review) here or on another known-to-be-genuine board, I figure anyone else who does their homework will also avoid those risks. If they find my positive review, they know what to expect. If they find nothing, they shouldn't roll the dice.

Providers that retaliate for honest no reviews hurt everyone in the long run. I've seen at least one provider that had only one review with a no recommendation, because the reviewer's explanation in ROS indicated a reason I didn't find outweighed other factors, and the review itself let me know what to expect. I would not have seen her without that review. This is something I'm constantly trying to drill into business intelligence clients. Everyone's instinct is to front a polished image and sweep shit under the carpet. But it still stinks and all you've treated are the symptoms, not the disease. In an open marketplace, honest information is gold.

I've been fortunate, in part because I'm cautious, but if I ever were to be the target of a crime, I would post an alert, not a review.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 03-30-2014, 11:57 AM
But this is a service business, not a knitting circle. Originally Posted by Centaur
**Loved it Centaur . . . well put and well written to boot. Let me know if you want me to share our family S. Dali photo . . . it hangs in my office.
Wether a fella wants to write a "No" review, based on his experience with a provider is his business, and only his business. If I'm contacted for an appointment, I do check his reviews, and it does set off a few bells if there is more "No" reviews than "Yes" reviews. It's all weighted. Who were the "No" reviews, does that provider have several " No" reviews lately. I look at everything- posting history, reviews, etc. then I feel I can make an informed decision. I want us both to feel comfortable and safe during our time together.

I understand wanting to keep your private life private or not wanting to feel like "the bad guy". I can imagine it's a pain in the bum for other fellas who see a provider, write a "No" review, then have a handful of other fellas pile on to said review, all having the same or similar experience with the same provider. WTF?!?

I will say, I feel there is one exception to my "it's his business and only his business" opinion. That is, if there is a possibility of physical harm to another member of the community. Grief, where do I begin with this..... When someone is caught up in a euphoria on my mat, I hear a lot of things, as we all do. Suffice it to say, I respect my clients privacy, and will not go into details here or anywhere else. I will use myself as an example. I believe I'm pretty well known for my prostate massage. It's not for everyone. If you're into it, you LOVE it, can't get enough of it! You LOVE to be properly milked, and will generally rebook with me within 2 weeks of your initial appointment (Giggles! Thank you!). I put in the time to learn the how to's - ins and outs.... So to speak.... I'm a clean freak, for you're safety and mine, I insist on a full gloved hand. I listen, and am careful and confident. You're not going to hurt or feel discomfort, unless that's what you're into! Communication is key.

I can't tell you how many times I have been told, first hand accounts of how many fellas have been hurt, really hurt, by ill informed, over zealous, providers, offering this service. I understand how a good prostate massage can add to your... Um... Well.... Bottom line.... But preforming them without any sort of education or not using a glove can be down right dangerous. It's much, much more involved than a simple slide of the finger.

Each and every time I hear a similar story, all I think about was the pain this lovely man was in, trusting the "Yes" reviews, and the fact that Prostate Massage is listed as a speciality! When it gets to the point I hear different fellas tell the same stories about the same providers, I get LIVID! This tells me, the information is not out there via ML or reviews. A fella will not write a review for fear of retaliation, fear of other provider reaction for writing a "No" review, and lastly, fear of negatively impacting a providers business. They want to be a "good guy" and just won't go back.

A "No" review can save someone's hide, literally. I've had off days just like everyone else. But there's a difference between giving the provider the benefit of the doubt, not writing a review and just not going back vs. The need for the "No" review to keep another fella from walking into the same situation. If the Provider gets enough "No" reviews she will change what she's doing in order to keep providing.
Still Looking's Avatar
The guys like my no reviews better than the yeses!?
The guys like my no reviews better than the yeses!? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Of course they do!
Bob McV's Avatar
there is a good chance I'm going to have to manage drama fallout, either in the form of direct contradiction from the provider or indirect retaliation I may never even find out about. What's my benefit for that cost? If I'm unsatisfied, I simply won't review the appointment. Originally Posted by Centaur

I support this choice, and line of logic. However the counter argument is if you have ever based booking (or not booking) with someone based on reviews; then do you owe it to the community to risk fallout, to add to the data collection you have used?


Providers that retaliate for honest no reviews hurt everyone in the long run. Originally Posted by Centaur
Part of the problem is the provider only sees the one word "NO" ( wk, or other intervention notwithstanding) and will try to publically get ahead of it.

In a better world the client and provider would resolve the issue and turn the no into a yes, but I see that rarely happening here. W3hich is kind of a shame. Short sightedness on both sides just make both people look bad.