info on carmen?

Nate44's Avatar
Was any other info found out about carmen:

All I got was a few image hits on google and a name change once. The adds are pretty consistent and seem legit. Anyone got anything to add?

I think I might toftt
Guest062716's Avatar
No tineye. Previously posted as Brenda. No criminal record. Call Owl will give you a real name. Age advertised is correct.
I've seen her ads and have always been curious about her.
Alright guys, I sent her a text about meeting tonight and she replied to the affirmative but when I asked about donation and menu nothing but the sound of crickets. Idk if I'm going in to the unknown especially with the thread in Alerts about a guy getting robbed. Yes, you can find the occasional diamond in the rough but how much crap does one have to sift through to get there? I know that some of the providers here post on BP but it's such a crapshoot with all the other ladies.
david1978's Avatar
That pics look hot. I tried calling a few days back but nobody answered. Please share if anyone TOFTT.

I finally got a text back, 100hh 150hr but she wouldn't tell me anymore won't discuss anything else on the phone. I'm suspecting it's probably not much of a menu involved. She does look hot from the pics but I just can't pull the trigger when I can just see more reliable ladies here. But then when any of us peruse through BP we're looking for the next diamond in the rough or is it just me?
Guest062716's Avatar
I finally got a text back, 100hh 150hr but she wouldn't tell me anymore won't discuss anything else on the phone. I'm suspecting it's probably not much of a menu involved. She does look hot from the pics but I just can't pull the trigger when I can just see more reliable ladies here. But then when any of us peruse through BP we're looking for the next diamond in the rough or is it just me? Originally Posted by cowboyfan2745
Only two reasons, IMO, to chase BP ladies.

1) Hard on that won't go away otherwise.

2) Pursuit of the "prize".

Her not talking about menu is not a surprise..... and I almost never ask about "menu" with BP ladies.... What you want to do is ease into the conversation, once you have built some trust and rapport as she is screening you via your conversation.

Somewhere you want to tell her that you want to have fun for an hour and need to make sure you bring everything you need to to the party. You are thinking about stopping on the ATM on you way over and was wondering how much you should withdraw from the machine..... (handles the donation question)

The menu question. Somewhere you tell her that you have had fun in the past and you have had some times that were not so much fun, you were disappointed. You think it is important that both parties are enjoying themselves, and you were wondering how much fun you were going to have..... (Leaves it open for her to decide what to say and go from there).

Many of the times I have asked a BP lady directly about donation and menu it is awkward. When I talk to them first and let them warm up to me and am less direct in the questioning, it goes better, in my experience.

Good luck and report back, please.

