Updated New website

Not sure if I can post this but I finally updated my website so enjoy.
sixxbach's Avatar
Congrats on the website! fellas, truly the shittiest experience I have had with an ECCIE provider

Right on Sixx tell us how you really feel ! Hahahaha
Beagle's Avatar
Sixx, will there be an ROS?
I looked but couldn't find a review. We need the bad with the good.

Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 04-14-2012, 10:20 AM
Reading Sixx post was like watching a thread drive by, then hearing screeching tires and a car crash!
Congrats on the website! fellas, truly the shittiest experience I have had with an ECCIE provider

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Out of all the people to respond you out of all people would respond with something negative Shocker... Really guy be nice we did not get along it happens so be nice and get over it Why do you continue bashing me. I went to the recent social and had alot of fun with the great people I met. So grow the F up and stop being a bully.
Out of all the people to respond you out of all people would respond with something negative Shocker... Really guy be nice we did not get along it happens so be nice and get over it Why do you continue bashing me. I went to the recent social and had alot of fun with the great people I met. So grow the F up and stop being a bully. Originally Posted by Jennatexas23

It really shouldn't happen. Not sure why it didn't and don't give two shits either way but every session I pay for should be a good one. If I pay out my hard earned money and the session sucked I'm not getting over it either. Has nothing to do with growing up, has a lot to do with buyers remorse and the waste of hard earned cash.
I looked but couldn't find a review. We need the bad with the good.

Originally Posted by homer13
No sweetie trust me I am good read my reviews and website and my pics trust me I love what I do little things like this make me tickle lol
It really shouldn't happen. Not sure why it didn't and don't give two shits either way but every session I pay for should be a good one. If I pay out my hard earned money and the session sucked I'm not getting over it either. Has nothing to do with growing up, has a lot to do with buyers remorse and the waste of hard earned cash. Originally Posted by homer13
I am not shock you wrote this but really if someone asking for things outside my comfort zone I as a woman and person should not be force to do so. So on this note I am going to be a lady and let everyone see and read my reviews cause I guess all those guys had such a horrible time with me spending there had earn money.
sixxbach's Avatar
Out of all the people to respond you out of all people would respond with something negative Shocker... Really guy be nice we did not get along it happens so be nice and get over it Why do you continue bashing me. I went to the recent social and had alot of fun with the great people I met. So grow the F up and stop being a bully. Originally Posted by Jennatexas23

I had to read your post twice for it to make sense. Ok, I wouldn't call my comments negative but my experience.

Since when does stating what I feel make me a bully? Oh right, because I don't keep my mouth shut?

There were some negative marks on you when I saw you and I went ahead anyway. I don't think there is anything wrong with putting up a red flag for other hobbyists. They can decide if they want to listen or not. Remember you posted this in coed, so you can't be too upset with comments in an OPEN forum

Switch my life from negative to positive so take care sweetie, I am not going down to your level.