Text or no text?

  • TX4me
  • 03-09-2014, 01:17 PM
Newb w/simple question. How important is the ability to text?

Seems to be a popular way for some providers to communicate, but I've had my text feature blocked by choice for years,,, (Receiving too many texts that have nothing to do with me/do not want to receive.)

As a newb, is the ability to text THAT important?

First, get a hobby phone, then re-state the question.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yes, given the hobby, get a phone specifically for playing. When you do that, you control who you text or who texts you. Another choice is Google voice. It has a text option as well. Only downside is that you can't send a pic using G-Voice text and can only receive a pic through your G-Mail. I link my hobby g-mail to my hobby G-voice acct, so girls can send me attachments that way.

As for your original question, texting is becoming more and more prevalent given smartphones with a QWERTY keyboard. Several years ago, I had an older phone with no QWERTY keyboard, and this one provider used text as her only method of communication even though her texting was done over the phone. It was really hard to make timely replies using the old hunt and peck method with non-QWERTY phones. Now with iPhones and all, texting is a breeze. In many regards, I now prefer it to calling. Some girls love it; some don't. Some girls will say no texts-- probably those girls who are on a phone plan with limits and/or no data.
newturbo's Avatar
Yes first get a phone specifically for the hobby. I have found that texting is good for both the client and the provider. I can text questions that there may be no need to really call for. Plus its easier if you are trying to be discreet