New fine arts and such

I like to think of myself as a well mannered gentleman and have a lot of respect for women but behind close doors we all have a freaky side which is natural. Having said this is a date at an adult theater/ novelty store out of the question for some of the providers? To risky? Or just flat out wrong?
I like to think of myself as a well mannered gentleman and have a lot of respect for women but behind close doors we all have a freaky side which is natural. Having said this is a date at an adult theater/ novelty store out of the question for some of the providers? To risky? Or just flat out wrong? Originally Posted by Whodwho
I recall reading some reviews a few years ago where the guy met the provider at a place like this. Been a while and I can't recall who it was, but based on that I'd say it's not totally out of the question.
berkleigh's Avatar
I would go with someone I know, someone I've seen regularly... I think it would be a blast!
I would go with someone I know, someone I've seen regularly... I think it would be a blast! Originally Posted by berkleigh
You know.... We have got to meet soon!!

I have some good friends who work for the owners of this place & several others.
From what they told me, the rooms are around 15' X 15' & you pay by the hour for the room; something like $25 per hour. There's a couch in there made for 2 & a TV with $1.00 slots that play porn that you select. I wanna say you get 10 minutes of porn for the dollar.

They do require a deposit for the room so you get that back as long as you don't wreck the place. They have cleaning people that go through the room I between sessions.

I've always wanted to try one out but never did because I didn't want to run into these guys but that was when I was married.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The New Fine Arts require a $20 deposit that you'll get back when you leave. Otherwise, you feed in money to a machine that controls the screen that features all the different kinds of porn that you could imagine.

There isn't an hourly fee.

The rooms are very basic. A couch and coffee table. There is a paper towel dispenser on the wall, next to the video console, and a small trash under it.

The rooms are surprisingly clean although I don't take off my shoes in there. Gosh, I sound like an experienced visitor, don't I?

I've been there a few times. And if you go with a date, the female might feel awkward walking back there with you.

But for something different to do, it's an interesting experience.

And I don't consider NFA dangerous or unsafe.

But the one reason why I haven't been to The Lido is there have been uncover there, and people have gotten in trouble. And that intel is years old. Could be better now.

Still, though, someday ... I do wish to at least, walk into the place one time.

I would meet a client at The New Fine Arts, no problem.
I have visited NFA and Lido's a few times with clients. I have never had an issue. We meet in the parking lot and walk into together. Management, security, or employees are none the wiser.
Just two grown people enjoying the place.
I have also gone with rw friends, pretty much the same outcome.
These places can be a lot of fun with the right person, but Lido tends to have more questionable (sketchy) patrons.
Good luck! Have fun!
This actually sounds fun, this would be something I would like to try!
I'm always chasing a thrill. I would go with a client I have already seen before. Sounds like a deliciously wicked time.
I have done this scenario any number of times. There are more than a handful of providers who like this type of thing.

Meeting in the parking lot and entering together is the best idea. And most ABS's are couple friendly, with the exception of the gay stores.( as far as viewing rooms are concerned ).
NFA is probably the best in terms of upkeep. There are others that are more off the beaten path, but they can be a little rough.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 04-14-2016, 06:50 PM
Done it and it was a good time. Even bought toys to use.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Back before I was a provider, I met a few guys there. We'd meet in the parking lot and if there was a mutual attraction, we'd go in and play.

Now that I'm a provider, there's no way I'd do that. What was I thinking lol
mrredcat43's Avatar
I'm always chasing a thrill. I would go with a client I have already seen before. Sounds like a deliciously wicked time. Originally Posted by Find Your Joy
Hell, I'm down for that.......
I've done it one with an old flame and would consider it with a client I've seen before. I like these kinda places because who leaves a video room unhappy? Not very many
Ive done it several times and always a blast. As long as I'm not frequenting one location too often I feel fine about it