Small Death Orgasm

Translation from the french "La Petite Mort"

I would consider this to be 'Thee Orgasm'
I know it doesn't happen every time you have
an orgasm but i'm wondering does one know
when their in a state of unconsciousness after
having a Small Death Orgasm?

Someone enlighten me please and thank you ....
pyramider's Avatar
Ladies do not seem to orgasm when I am around.
That would clearly be a 3 sides orgasm! Sorry, I couldn't resist!
To get back on topic, difficult though it may be (pyramider, darling!)....... I was the recipient of an absolutely awesome double orgasm once, and only once. If only I could have died in mid-orgasm! La petit mort, indeed!
canuckvic's Avatar
I have had two providers briefly 'fade' out after having an orgasm and they both said that was the first time they became extremely "light headed' from a big O. I never gave it much more thought then that until I read this thread, hmmm.