Do we Hobby to stay SANE? What is the End Result?

Primarily, I ask this because after many years in this business, and leaving it twice, I always find myself coming back because it keeps me sane.
Kinda odd, but true for so many.

Levels of sanity can vary and sometimes it’s the need for that special touch or kiss, that tingling feeling when a caress hits the right spot.
It’s like an injection of that “drug” that enfolds you into soft yumminess.

Some sanity can be described as just greasing up the tool and getting the job done. The release of energy and sudden relaxation that occurs afterwards.

In another realm, the sanity can mean just making that connection with someone who understands you, your thoughts and needs …. without judgement.

So, after we claim that we do it to keep our sanity…. what is YOUR end result?
WHAT is the ongoing end result (I know…oxymoron), in which you decide it is all worth it?

Ladies, it's a given that money is the motivation, which also keeps us sane, but do any of the scenarios above keep you here as well?

Anxious to hear everyone’s ideas on this ….
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup me too , I do to stay sane , I would be a nut job without sex ,,,,,,, / and divorce rate would be around 99%
The hobby is definitely a great escape from reality for an hour or two if you meet a quality provider. I think this question also dives into a much bigger question of do we hobby because we want to or because we have to? I was fortunate enough to get equally attractive women in the RW but that was usually a pain in the ass and quite often more insanity occurred in the pursuit. In my opinion the women who do this because they like the life and the sex and revenue stream provide a much more “sane” experience vs those who are desperate for just money but our need for strange pussy is an insane endeavor by definition.
  • vadc
  • 02-15-2019, 12:01 PM
Make me want to see TT just for her post
Hercules's Avatar
Pretty sure it ain't workin for everyone.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
To have a great time, with beautiful ladies I find fun and interesting. Something that is taboo, having fun, the thrill of seeing her show up at my door and all that follows.
I recently had a RW lady friend bring to my attention that over the years I have pumped over a gallon of cum into her. By her math approximately 768 loads equal one gallon. Then she viciously accused me of “dumping at least another gallon all over Dallas”. I’m flattered but her stats are a little off. However it made me stop and think. We (providers and hobbyist in Dallas) have exponentially more sex than most. Even a Tiger Woods scandal looks like rookie night at the Appolo compared to the fuckery in Dallas. Once the statistics kick in I can see how insane this hobby can get.
…. do we hobby because we want to or because we have to? Originally Posted by FunMonday
But there are other options, right? Ashley Madison and such. Is part of the thrill in the “exchange” of goods?
…. I was fortunate enough to get equally attractive women in the RW but that was usually a pain in the ass and quite often more insanity occurred in the pursuit. Originally Posted by FunMonday
AMEN to that. When I did decide to try and be part of the so-called “normal” world …. I found more sickos on the dating sites than ever encountered here.
To have a great time, with beautiful ladies I find fun and interesting. Something that is taboo, having fun, the thrill of seeing her show up at my door and all that follows. Originally Posted by Gentlemen Rendezvous
Rinse and Repeat.
No guilt …. No shame. In the end …. Keeps you sane!

… We (providers and hobbyist in Dallas) have exponentially more sex than most. …..Once the statistics kick in I can see how insane this hobby can get. Originally Posted by FunMonday
So is insanity what we crave?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-15-2019, 04:56 PM
End result is, creampies and drained balls.
Yeah. I think us guys crave the insanity of strange pussy. I can be completely satisfied with a provider or RW woman and for no rhyme or reason stop seeing her for more strange pussy only to be disappointed only to seek out more strange pussy. Once we get on the hamster wheel of fuckery it never stops. It’s almost like the disappointment encourages more fuckery. This is especially true in the NCNS scenario. A NCNS spins many of us into a half day quest just to get some good nookie.

Certainly not all but some of the really fiesty providers that aurgue in various threads definitely get my attention. My logic is if they are really feisty on this site they will need my cock to help them calm down. Then there’s always the occasional woman that temporarily starts to provide as she funds her divorce. These are the wild cards that fuck really good but they are only a flash in the pan. I woujd say must of our fuckery revolves around insanity as pass earch other around looking for a thrill.
What is the End Result?

girls get to pay their bills or feed their addiction. lol

Sophia Dane3.0's Avatar
and all that follows. Originally Posted by Gentlemen Rendezvous
My favorite part with you Mr. Rendezvous! 😘😎💋

Love your brain Torre! Miss ya! 😘
honestly I miss a woman's body for the most part. I can shoot a load anytime I want. The best part for me is still being able to caress, look at , and be compassionate with a beautiful lady. But of course if she has a strap on and fucks me, that never hurts either
Well written Torre. Sanity comes when desires are satisfied without the complications of
Attachments with a RW GF. Insanity comes from making sex complicated and hobbying makes it stress free and just plain fun
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
To have a great time, with beautiful ladies I find fun and interesting. Originally Posted by Gentlemen Rendezvous
BINGO, my thoughts exactly.

As I posted in the "evolving or deviating from reality" thread J(link below) - I'm making up for a LOT of lost years, by visiting as many hotties as I possibly can at this time.