21st Century sex

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Too funny. Curious what she would say?
pmdelites's Avatar
”Please, watch your language! There’s a computer present.”

actually, that’s very close to what “Eliza”, the Rogerian-styled early AI computer pgm would say when “told” that kind of language back in the early 1970s.

or Alexa would say ”Please enter your Prime acct number or transfer 300 dollars into my slot, err bank account before anything else.”
:^} :^} :^}

or Alexa would say ”Please enter your Prime acct number or transfer 300 dollars into my slot, err bank account before anything else.”
:^} :^} :^} Originally Posted by pmdelites
There you go. Or maybe, "Please tell me the names of two other GUI's you've interfaced with in the previous 6 months."