Should you accept an EXPENSIVE gift from a client?

For xmas I received a beautiful rabbit fur coat, and I absolutely love it! My concern however is does this gift come with strings attached? .....should I feel obligated to pay this gentlemen extra attention, more texts and convo than I previously had? or was this just a gesture of appreciation for our good client/provider relationship already established?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Depends. How long have you been seeing him? Is there a name tag bearing his wife's ID on the collar? Did he hunt down Bugs Bunny himself?

Say thank you and wear it proudly. If you have an established client/provider relationship of at least a year with frequent visits, then you are probably giving him extra attention already. If not, well.... assess the relationship based on interaction during past encounters and what you may know about him personally, and decide what you feel comfortable with. As a provider you are under no obligation to do ANYTHING other than what you agreed to during your appointments. Perhaps he just wanted to do something considerate for you? Christmas is about giving and the joy of it with no expectations in return.

Some of my most regular (and now deceased or moved on otherwise, alas) gentlemen friends used to give me lovely jewelry and other expensive gifts for my birthday, Valentine's, and Christmas, as well as their usual generous donations, but we had long-term acquaintances and I spent considerable periods with them outside of the boudoir on vacations and such. I called it GFE Companion Max, and yes, extra time and communication was part of the package, but no real obligation. Made me happy to express my gratitude to gentlemen who became more than just clients. Do you feel that investing additional effort into your alliance with him will benefit you both? Cement your bond without getting weird or implying more exclusivity than what is realistic? Do you want to be nicer to him?

(I'm interviewing now for similar arrangements, by the way. )

Yes you should accept it. And yes, he probably deserves a little more attention for his efforts. There is nothing more insulting to a man than to have a lady imply that he has ulterior motives when he was truly just trying to be nice.

Accept it graciously. Wear it with happiness. And if he at some point seems to overstep the boundaries you both have set, deal with him like you would anyone else.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-26-2013, 01:19 PM
Accept the gift. Expect him to overstep at some point.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Yep. Like LM and Trey pointed out, be prepared. I know it sounds negative, but no harm in planning ahead of time for a worst-case scenario, just in case. (Provider Survivalist Training 101.) Meanwhile, enjoy.
universalenergy's Avatar
Yes you should accept it. And yes, he probably deserves a little more attention for his efforts. There is nothing more insulting to a man than to have a lady imply that he has ulterior motives when he was truly just trying to be nice.

Accept it graciously. Wear it with happiness. And if he at some pint seems to overstep the boundaries you both have set, deal with him like you would anyone else. Originally Posted by LilMynx69

LilMynx69 is correct.
How can it be a gift if strings are attached.

I should have included a Disclaimer. I'm HORRIBLE (Whorrible?) about boundaries, but it works for me.

I am friends on Facebook with guys I've met on here...I meet guys for drinks from here and ASPD. And...I met my husband on ASPD. LMAO. So maybe you should ignore me.

I've also received some really large gifts in the past, but nothing that sketched me out.
Sarunga's Avatar
I say, return it.
oilman12's Avatar
Wear it while you swallow me whole and I'll thank him for my mind that is ��
In all honesty, the usual holiday gratuity for a service provider is one session/week/unit of pay. I don't know your donation or exactly what the coat cost, but it doesn't seem overly excessive. It's super cute on you and looks like good quality, but I don't think it's as much as you'd charge for an overnight. I have a great pink rabbit coat that is amazing and I got it for about $200 a few years back. Just assume the thinks you're worth whatever the cost and knew how hot you'd look in it and hope for cold weather!
My ATF accepts gifts without question and I expect no special treatment.... other than her being ready on our appointed times without me having to wait.

I understand I am nothing more than her ATM machine and she is nothing more, to me, than the hottest ass I could ever be lucky enough to be around, so it works.
Good things come to those who post scatalogical selfies.

(Was going to link it here but it seems to be gone.)
LilMynx thank you for the compliments and great advice :-) ......would love to see a pic of you in that pink fur. purrrrr
Pica Flor's Avatar
If it is a gift is a gift. If the gentleman made it clear or insinuated there were strings attached, then it is what it is.

Should you give him any extra attention if it was meant to be a gift? That is totally your call. If you do not feel comfortable with the situation, then you should had not accepted the gift (and could always offer to return it). My 0.02 cents.
Russ38's Avatar
Accept it...then sell that shit for the highest cash value you can find.....if you start to get cold, turn the thermostat up a degree or two.....nothing will warm you up more than cold hard cash....