My first trip to H Town, are you guys ready?

I will be kicking off my new year with a tour and HOUSTON is first!!
I am curious as to if you guys have a good idea of to where I should stay?
Is there any interest for me here?
Of course Angel eyes Lacey will be with me
Please pm me!
Mojojo's Avatar
Here....a whole thread dedicated to touring Houston.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I am curious as to if you guys have a good idea of to where I should stay?
Originally Posted by Zoey Santana

At home.

Is there any interest for me here? Originally Posted by Zoey Santana

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I will be kicking off my new year with a tour and HOUSTON is first!!
I am curious as to if you guys have a good idea of to where I should stay?
Is there any interest for me here?
Of course Angel eyes Lacey will be with me
Please pm me!
Originally Posted by Zoey Santana
Ladies, have a safe trip if you decide to come this way! And remember, different strokes for different folks.... Smile!
Y'all cum on down and see us Zoey. Don't let the negative comments bother you...this board is full of fucktards that MAY grow up one of these days.
@Dorian Gray If you get your pussy on BP why are you worried about threads on here ?
If you do not have something positive to say then keep it zipped!! I do not care for negativity nor will I feed it. I am apparently not YOUR type O well..your loss not mine I PROMISE!!! Seems you are very good at bashing on threads perhaps you have TOO much time on your hands and should put them back in your pants.
@ Alyssa thank you. I know as well as DG should, that every one has their own opinions and to each their own. BUT I WILL NOT LET NEGATIVITY BE ACCEPTABLE! I will see you guys the 2nd of Jan
@ Oldman thank you as well, I hope YOU will be one of the GENTLEMEN that we get to meet and play with!
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 12-28-2013, 09:48 PM
You ladies come on down and enjoy yourselves. Hope you rep the DFW metroplex well. We luv Latina's down here. Lol
don't mind the jokers..

your best bet would be ignore them,

(posting in Houston can get complicated; you may get your feelings hurt)

come and get some $$ girls, have fun, and be safe!

xoxo Daph

At home.

No. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
LOL...Ouch...A bit harsh innit???

I freely admit I enjoy some big girl love every now and again.

Come on down Zoey, and enjoy your stay!

08cris's Avatar
Whatever you decide to do......Have fun
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I am curious as to if you guys have a good idea of to where I should stay?
Of course Angel eyes Lacey will be with me
Originally Posted by Zoey Santana

Let me try this again.... &... I'll... type... slow... this... time...

It would appear that your running mate has been here (Houston, TX, United States of America, North American Continent, planet Earth) enough times in the past to know where to & not to stay.

Also the thread mojojo has referred you to has been around. Posted on. Made a Sticky since your cohorts last visit/threAD as well. I know Houston is an evolving/changing city, but not that many hotels/retail centers/restaurants/traffic conditions along with roads have changed enough in that time frame to justify one asking this same asinine query EVERY TIME they visit. Even if they are doing it by proxy.

You really want to know if you should visit? Put up an ad, like every other hooker that has the ability to use 0.01% of their brain matter, & see if you get any pre-bookings or PM's.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
lol DG you are such a sour puss! FYI your link does not work, fix it!
Seems as if you spend most of your "hobby" time bashing rather than actually playing. 7,092 posts seriously? I can go back in forth with a fucktard like you all day but will not stoop to that level. Have a fan-fuckin-tastic day Dorian Gray, I will give you a shout out when we arrive.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Just remember darlin' I like it when you answer the door in the black strapped boots. The boots & NOTHING else.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Mojo's link worked.....