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This tale is a combination of displaying how blind I can be to obvious signals when the little head is in charge, and a display of how to loose potential clients when you are amazingly freaking lazy and disorganized.

Having seen some really pretty pictures of Amber and read that people usually enjoyed their time with her, thought I'd set up an appointment. Texted her Monday for an appointment on Wednesday and got a quick affirmative response with the address.

Obvious sign #1: Multiple different reviews detail her showing up late and communicating poorly. The word flaky gets thrown around a lot.

Obvious sign #2: On Monday right after she texted me the address I replied and asked her if she would like me to check in an hour before the appointment? No response

Obvious sign #3: On Wednesday an hour before the appointment I send a text to check in anyway. No response

Big head: Screw this, we need to find someone else
Little head: No, no I've already been fantasizing about this one. We must see her.
Big head: How blind can you be? All we are going to do is wast time, miss lunch and get a set of blue balls
Big head: Fine, what ever, your an idiot

Obvious sign #4: I arrive 5 minutes early and send a text saying I'm here. No response.

Obvious sign #5: Right at the scheduled time, just to show her who's in charge, I send her a text saying it's her last chance or I'm leaving. No response.

45 minutes after the appointment time I receive a text saying how sorry she was, that she had to drive to Austin to help a sick relative and that to make it up to me she would give me a session on the house.

If the sick relative part is actually true, I really do hope they are ok. As far as the missed appointment, life does happen and giving the client comped food, service, whatever is the smart way to try and retain business.

Little head reply's back: No big deal, life happens. I'll take you up on your offer, how does 3:00 on Friday sound? If its a good session, I'll be a good guy and even write a review on how well you handled the missed appointment. No response.

Friday afternoon rolls around and still no response.

Little head: Sickness doesn't resolve itself over night, she could still be in Austin.
Big head: i wish I could amputate you.

Saturday morning rolls around and we see Amber posted a BP ad on Friday at lunch.

Big head: HahHaha you are such an idiot.
Little head: That lying lazy.....Let the name and shame begin.

Long story short, there are more than enough reviews out there detailing what a flake she is. It takes 20 seconds to do the right thing and text an apology that something has come up and you wont be able to make an appointment. Guys, lets vote with our dollars until she gets her shit together and learns how to communicate.
Could you provide a link so we know which one you are talking about?
Long story short ... Originally Posted by citizen44
That was short? Holy shit...

gearslut's Avatar
Obvious sign #3: On Wednesday an hour before the appointment I send a text to check in anyway. No response
And right there is when your big head should have been screaming NO DICK FOR YOU! NEXT!!!!! Live and learn bro. It happens. Always have a plan B. To me poor TCB skills are a precursor to mediocre sessions or worse as in this case.