HLS releases illegal immigrants charged with crimes

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
BEFORE the sequester went into effect the DHS released 2,000 illegal immigrants who were charged with serious crimes. The first response was to deny the allegation, then to minimize it by saying only 800 were released but for a good reason, it came out that 2,000 were released without good reason and before there was any necessity to do so, and finally DHS dismissed the whole thing by saying the person responsible was retiring. BULLSHIT! If we accept their excuse then that person is an accessory to criminal acts and should be charged as such. If that person is not facing criminal indictment then their immediate supervisor is derelict and should be fired without benefits. That goes up the chain, any supervisor who will not do the necessary act should be fired as well.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its a Breitbart article JD, so who will be the first to attack the source rather than the content?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Typical scare tactics from the Chicago thugs. Show them what happens when they don't go along with the program.