Hillary Clinton, get real

  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 08:44 AM
Oh, the arrogance.

I was recently talking to one of my friends, a former Bill Clinton operative, about the unique properties a special category of people have in common. The category is Humans Who Run for President of the United States. The unique properties are, in a word, an outsized sense of self.
A level of arrogance is, by definition, required. Imagine believing you can solve unwieldy, complex, centuries-old, systemic problems that others heretofore have not, that your singular genetic and experiential alchemy makes you the best person to lead a nation, that you can in fact defeat dozens of other capable and qualified candidates to be the last man or woman standing.
Then imagine thinking all that, while being one of the most divisive politicians to run for president -- and fail twice, once to a member of your own party and once to Donald J. Trump. Welcome to Hillary Clinton's mind.
Clinton, once again, refused this week to rule out a 2020 presidential bid, insisting she was hearing from plenty of people who wanted her to jump in.
"I, as I say, never, never, never say never," she said in a radio interview Tuesday. "I will certainly tell you, I'm under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it." This echoes other flirtations, including a tweet warning Trump, "Don't tempt me."
Good grief.
This Democratic field of candidates is the most diverse in the history of the presidency. There's not only a racial and ethnic diversity of backgrounds, but a diversity of experience -- there are senators, congressional members, past and current mayors, governors, businessmen and even a self-help guru. There's also a diversity of ideas, from far-left progressive policies to more moderate and incremental views of how to fix broken systems. There's a diversity of age and geographical appeal.
If voters can't find something they like from this field, it likely doesn't exist.
And it's finally begun to consolidate, with voters lining up behind a handful of frontrunner candidates. This is the way it's supposed to go -- the process is working just fine, despite the anxieties of Democratic donors who believe a late entrant like Hillary Clinton or Michael Bloomberg is needed to save Democratic voters from themselves.
But Clinton, especially, isn't the answer.
While she won the popular vote in 2016, she's hardly popular. According to an October Fox News poll, 54% of registered voters have a negative opinion of her. Only 41% have a positive opinion.
Over the course of the yearlong election, her unfavorable ratings went up -- starting at 51% unfavorable in November 2015, and ending at 54.4% unfavorable in November 2016, according to Real Clear Politics' poll average. In short, the more people saw, the less they liked.
As polarizing as Trump was and is, so too was Clinton.
In May of 2016, as FiveThirtyEight noted, both Clinton and Trump were more strongly disliked than any nominee at that point in the past 10 presidential cycles.
You'd think that nearly three years of Trump's divisive rhetoric, his utter incompetence, his embarrassing foibles on the world stage, would have put a fresh coat of paint on Clinton's reputation. You'd think wrong.
Even now, she is outpolled by her fellow Democrats in the primary, all of whom are more popular now than she was in 2016.
If this doesn't sound like a recipe for success in 2020, well, you must be people not named Hillary Clinton, who still seems to think she could be what the nation is clamoring for. But that's not because the nation is thinking -- a whopping 75% of Democratic voters are satisfied with the current field.
More likely, nostalgia for what could have been is clouding the judgment of those who wish she were running now, including, perhaps, Clinton herself:
"Look, I think all the time about what kind of president I would've been and what I would've done differently and what I think it would've meant to our country and our world," she said Tuesday.
Imagine wondering what you would have meant to our country and our world -- and then you won't have a hard time imagining Hillary Clinton imagining herself running for president again.

"The democratic field is the most diverse in history"
Dummy - have you (dpst) looked at the stage and front runners - three white, rich, elderly, non-diverse contestants - separated by one with pre-senile dementia, one fake Indian who knows not the truth, and One Communist ( personal capitalist rich off selling communism to stupid Americans.

And another elderly rich white female who is running and will insert herself into the equation - H... is coming to save the DPST's from themselves.

Even the crazy news network calls her "arrogant" - oh , the hubris to be denied by the flagship of the LSM fake news media.

Chung Tran's Avatar
people like Hilary Clinton never see themselves as others do.. the idea that she may still run is beyond pathetic. but I'm starting to feel you a little on that idea.

no candidate has broken out.. as soon as one seems like he/she is moving up, it crashes.. Warren, Butt-plug, Harris. Biden is stuck where he is, leading, sure, but unable to cascade higher.

which suggests a brokered Convention. perfect for Hilary. she is already well-known, she can keep her name out there, a la Howard Stern and other shows, do a few interviews.. there is always someone wanting her opinion.

Hilary can wait until April or May to decide.. nobody else could, but she can. well, Michelle Obama probably could, but that's not happening. I believe it can with Clinton. not saying it will, but it can.. and might.
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 08:59 AM
I may be wrong, or I may be right, on H.... candidacy.

Just my opinion.

Thank you for a reasoned post, CT
Chung Tran's Avatar
I may be wrong, or I may be right, on H.... candidacy.

Just my opinion.

Thank you for a reasoned post, CT Originally Posted by oeb11
thanks oeb11.. I like that you are staking an early position, at least. the fact that you got me from the "Hell no, never will happen" camp, to "you know what, there may be something there" group, says something, LOL.. I think Bloomberg's jumping in may be a decent lagging indicator.. he saw the poll fracture, that nobody was really moving, but unlike Hilary, he doesn't have the luxury to wait longer.. his money needs to move numbers for himself. Hilary doesn't need much money, and she has Supporters waiting on the sideline, who will jump when her fingers snap.
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 09:51 AM
Agreed, CT

DPST's are in for a rematch in 2020 - IMHO!
Chung Tran's Avatar
DPST's are in for a rematch in 2020 - IMHO! Originally Posted by oeb11
the perverse part of my nature is all in!

considering that no Democrat really looks viable at this time.. sure that could change, but I don't see anything that would substantially change that.. why not put up Hilary?

it would be interesting as Hell.. and really tell us a lot about who we are as a country.

but what if she won? I don't see it, but if she did, I would hate myself for supporting this idea, LOL
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 10:05 AM
Looking at a rematch of two of the most arrogant individuals in politics - an arena flush ( intended) with arrogant individuals .
i doubt any opinion posted here would affect the 2020 election - no personal responsibility.

It would be a horror for America to have H... as POTUS.
Vote One's conscience in 2020!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Barry Goldwater once said to never elect a person to the White House who is either from Chicago or has wanted the job their whole life. Hillary is both.
If Buttigieig wasn't gay he could be mistaken for a Republican.

Minorities hate him, he worked for the high dollar consultancy named McKinsey after the Ivy League degree, was a Naval Officer, and fired the black guy who was Chief of Police in South Bend.

He described his record as fiscally conservative, and he is a capitalist.

He identifies as a Christian (Episcopalian)

Having said that, I think Bloomie is the Democrats best chance to beat Trump.

Bloomie is the one guy who could intimidate Trump. He is richer than Trump.

Bloomie championed stop and frisk.

As for Hillary, if she were to run and lose again to Trump she would be the biggest loser in political history.
people like Hilary Clinton never see themselves as others do.. the idea that she may still run is beyond pathetic. but I'm starting to feel you a little on that idea.

no candidate has broken out.. as soon as one seems like he/she is moving up, it crashes.. Warren, Butt-plug, Harris. Biden is stuck where he is, leading, sure, but unable to cascade higher.

which suggests a brokered Convention. perfect for Hilary. she is already well-known, she can keep her name out there, a la Howard Stern and other shows, do a few interviews.. there is always someone wanting her opinion.

Hilary can wait until April or May to decide.. nobody else could, but she can. well, Michelle Obama probably could, but that's not happening. I believe it can with Clinton. not saying it will, but it can.. and might. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Excellent characterization of Hillary and I would go even farther.

She truly believes anyone who doesn't see her as a great person of history is a deplorable and despicable person.

considering that no Democrat really looks viable at this time.. sure that could change, but I don't see anything that would substantially change that.. why not put up Hilary?

.... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The media has been pushing the Democratic presidential candidates since the day after Trump won. The unofficial official Dem declaration date was 2018. Not having a viable candidate yet points to fundamental issues with their party.

Hillary winning a broken convention solves a bunch of problems but opens up more, like her destroying evidence under a judges preservation order.
If Buttigieig wasn't gay he could be mistaken for a Republican.

Minorities hate him, he worked for the high dollar consultancy named McKinsey after the Ivy League degree, was a Naval Officer, and fired the black guy who was Chief of Police in South Bend.

He described his record as fiscally conservative, and he is a capitalist.

He identifies as a Christian (Episcopalian)

Having said that, I think Bloomie is the Democrats best chance to beat Trump.

Bloomie is the one guy who could intimidate Trump. He is richer than Trump.

Bloomie championed stop and frisk.

As for Hillary, if she were to run and lose again to Trump she would be the biggest loser in political history. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The Republicans have gay members. My FB friend from jr high owns a business with his "buddy", aren't married and support Trump.

If Buttigieig wins the nom, we'll see how liberal the guy really is. Like the "moderate" Obama who turned into a Muslim leftist.

Bloomberg candidacy opens up a bunch of problems. The media won't push a competitor.

Honestly, I think Hillary is the Democrats best chance but she won't make past the finish line if she has to run a conventional race.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Ignorant , Arrogant socialist rich ( thur no hard work) elitist That wants to tell us how to live?
If Buttigieig wasn't gay he could be mistaken for a Republican.
Originally Posted by friendly fred
an odd ying and yang there with our one of our esteemed residents ...

take wtf ..the thing that separates him from buttigieg, besides a water hose and a broomstick, is he could never be mistaken for a repub
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ right