CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Presented for entertainment purposes only. Believe it, or not.


It is impossible to suppress knowledge. If Tesla DID invent a "free" energy machine that could pull energy out of space, then someone else could do it, too. And would have.

And I don't buy your "entertainment only" excuse. You also posted about 5 "conspiracy theories" that allegedly came true. You spend a lot of time at that trough.

The end result is that you spread the conspiracy theory either way. The spreading of these theories preys upon weak minds.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Or it informs people that big government and big business may, and I stress MAY be lying to them to protect their own interests.

You really have a lot of misplaced faith that the government is on your side. It's not. Unless of course, you happen to be GE, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Bank of America, etc.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Very entertaining COG.

Don't forget to watch "Killing Lincoln" tonight on National Geographic 7 central.
You really have a lot of misplaced faith that the government is on your side. It's not. Unless of course, you happen to be GE, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Bank of America, etc. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't have faith that government is on my sdie. Stop trying to put words into my mouth.

But just as I am skeptical about government, I am even more skeptical about conspiracy theories and the people who spread them.

Con artists will always exist. They are not an antidote to big government. They are an ill in their own right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like I said. Believe it . . . or not!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More wasted bandwidth from the Prince of Lies.

One post says "for entertainment" and then, after one response, he launches off into his Chicken Little paranoid conspiracy lunacy. Another lie.

At least he consistent. (...consistently tedious and generally intentionally misleading.).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You, Assup, however, are completely entertaining with your lame ass, never-on-point, Obama parroting responses. Your ignorance makes me laugh!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You, Assup, however, are completely entertaining with your lame ass, never-on-point, Obama parroting responses. Your ignorance makes me laugh! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
where did I parrot the president in this thread? ANSWER ME! NOW! (Sorry folks, just channelling my inner whiny)

You're a LYING SACK OF SHIT ... oh yeah, and a dick smoker!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are ALWAYS parroting the President, Assup. Since CBJ7 has been gone, they've hooked up the big Obamatron in Chicago to you, so you can get the government approved messages out. You're not as good as CBJ7, because even with his comprehension deficit disorder, he was still a lot smarter than you. Which isn't saying much.

At least you have one thing in you pathetic little life to feel good about. At least you were elected . . .



Yssup Rider's Avatar
Links trump lies. Show me any evidence of that. We've got time Unaliar!

and as always, you have managed to take an "entertainment" post and turn it into a monkey shit fight.

Kudos, bunker boy!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You've never opposed anything Obama has done, no matter how ridiculous, dangerous or unconstitutional it may be. You are an Obamaton, as special term for those receiving messages from the Obamatron in Chicago. You actually support the following:

The funny thing is, when this happens, they will come for you. Your past support means nothing to them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit!

I know they'll come for you first. It's Jell-O Pudding night, after all! You don't want to miss it, bunker clown!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now, I'm glad they're serving you Jello Pudding on the ward to tonight. Remember, if they catch you playing with the computer at the nurse's station, you will miss out again. And please discuss in group tomorrow these strange visions you have of seeing me places you hang out. I think there are some medications to alleviate that.

I'm not there, Assup. It's just you hallucinating again. Don't worry, you should see some marked improvement once they remove the Obamatron chip.
chefnerd's Avatar
May, may, might be, could be, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I think it might be but then again maybe not. Gee, where I have heard this before? Oh yeah, no true offense meant, but that line of reasoning absolutely reminds me of Jimmy Carter's responses to questions and why there is no possible way I ever thought about voting for him. Please tell me you were NOT a closet Carter supporter.